285097 I mailed a parcel to him. CM 23258 We received a large parcel. Swift 267678 Will you weigh this parcel? CM 1176914 I sent the parcel by airmail. bart 372405 Hasn't the parcel arrived yet? ilayde 46501 The parcel was tied with string. CM 58462 This parcel is addressed to you. CK 281307 I want to send a parcel to Japan. CK 58456 Will you mail this parcel for me? CK 311300 She tied up the parcel with string. CK 61132 The address on this parcel is wrong. CK 2796800 The mailman just delivered a parcel. sharptoothed 316966 She handed the parcel to the customer. CK 46498 The parcel weighs more than one pound. CK 2796786 There's a parcel for you on the table. sharptoothed 58460 I want you to send this parcel at once. CM 267680 Parcels are handled at the next window. CM 54940 Are you going to send this by parcel post? CK 58455 Please take this parcel to the post office. CK 327944 He is carrying a parcel under his right arm. xtofu80 267677 I'm afraid I have addressed the parcel wrongly. CM 22355 Send this parcel to him in care of his company. CK 299569 He sent out the parcel the day before yesterday. CM 246510 I paid 2,000 yen for the parcel to be sent by air. CM 267682 I have just been to the post office to send a parcel. CM 265879 The parcel will be kept at the post office until you call for it. CK 239949 When we are away from home, nothing gives us more pleasure than to receive a parcel from home. CM