English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "On" in Example Sentences
Page 35

1024742	Tom is working on another novel.	CK	1
1889704	Tom kissed Mary on her forehead.	CK	1
1028433	Tom kissed Mary on the forehead.	CK	1
1093355	Tom knew he could count on Mary.	CK	1
1028211	Tom plans to see Mary on Monday.	CK	1
1164305	Tom put a bandage on Mary's arm.	CK	1
1074722	Tom put another log on the fire.	CK	1
1867977	Tom put his wallet on the table.	CK	1
2642322	Tom put on one of John's shirts.	CK	1
1028113	Tom sat next to Mary on the bus.	CK	1
1874288	Tom turned on the hot water tap.	CK	1
2541195	Tom turned on the right blinker.	CK	1
2208601	Tom was alone on an empty beach.	CK	1
1867773	Tom was alone on the park bench.	CK	1
1867748	Tom was on television last week.	CK	1
2541178	Tom, you're wanted on the phone.	CK	1
2541174	Tom's name is first on the list.	CK	1
270949	Turn on the rice cooker, please.	CK	1
667946	We are all alike, on the inside.	CK	1
387563	We can depend on her to help us.	CK	1
262815	We managed to get there on time.	CK	1
2712963	We really have to be on our way.	CK	1
2642268	We were all on the bus together.	CK	1
263295	We will go on a picnic tomorrow.	CK	1
248748	We worked on a farm last summer.	CK	1
242410	Were you on time for work today?	CK	1
16251	What time are you going on duty?	CK	1
3165707	Why are you so hard on yourself?	Hybrid	1
2210755	Why don't you guys head on home?	CK	1
242055	You must be careful from now on.	CK	1
324269	You'd better stay on your guard.	Nero	1
2955012	You're skating on very thin ice.	CK	1
2890990	Can we take a rain check on that?	CK	1
3199077	Come on, let's go get some lunch.	CK	1
2642221	Come on, Tom, aren't you curious?	CK	1
502617	Do you have a table on the patio?	CK	1
279539	Do you see patients on Saturdays?	CK	1
2015126	Do you want the lights on or off?	CK	1
67672	Don't be too dependent on others.	CK	1
269017	Don't worry. You can count on me.	CK	1
20576	Dust had accumulated on the desk.	CK	1
953292	Have you ever cheated on an exam?	CK	1
304790	He has a lot of books on history.	CK	1
292840	He is still sitting on the bench.	CK	1
299511	He often goes abroad on business.	CK	1
293040	He pasted the notice on the door.	CK	1
293018	He put the ring on Mary's finger.	CK	1
291809	He set the box down on the table.	CK	1
288489	He went on walking for two hours.	CK	1
1952012	I can't just turn my back on Tom.	CK	1