English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "On" in Example Sentences
Page 236

1910427	A middle-aged woman with a knapsack on her back seemed to be looking for a place to sit down.	CK
24179	After tying up loose ends on the house, the carpenter gave the painter approval to begin work.	CK
72967	For quantities of 20 or more, we can allow you a special discount of 10% on the prices quoted.	CK
1331538	Money can't buy happiness. However, it's more comfortable to cry in a Maserati than on a bike.	CK
941301	On Friday evenings, a group of us with spouses working overseas meet at Chuck's Bar and Grill.	CK
942832	That knife was so blunt I couldn't use it to cut the meat so I had to rely on my pocket knife.	CK
63071	The data cited in King's research is taken from UNESCO's 1970 white paper on world population.	Eldad
2639576	Tom wrote Mary's phone number on a piece of paper and laid it on the table near his telephone.	CK
700480	Never work on electrical wiring without unplugging it; it's a bad idea. I know from experience.	Zifre
924560	Recently, I've been putting on a little weight around my waist. I guess it's middle-age spread.	CK
1028744	Tom has finished painting the picture of Mary that he's been working on for a couple of months.	CK
275371	I bought a small lot on the hillside in Southern France where I plan to build a retirement home.	CK
394948	The girl in the red dress ignored the man dressed in black and called a friend on her cellphone.	CM
1160167	Culture plays a dynamic role in shaping an individual's character, attitude, and outlook on life.	saeb
2599297	I'm going on a date with my boyfriend today, so I've been in a very good mood since this morning.	CK
1515875	It was very considerate of Mr. Yamada to send his secretary a bouquet of flowers on her birthday.	CK
2943819	With his mother very sick and a tight deadline at work, Tom has a lot on his plate at the moment.	patgfisher
72528	Would you please meet me at Yaesu central gate of Tokyo Station on Monday, May 10th at 3:00 p.m.?	CM
1140203	A typhoon hit Tokyo on Wednesday with strong winds and heavy rains stopping public transportation.	CK
271143	The world's tropical rainforests are critical links in the ecological chain of life on the planet.	CM
667976	When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it's a sure sign you're getting old.	CK
954756	You know that your English is good when people stop complimenting you on how good your English is.	CK
2043631	The press has been hounding the president nonstop about reneging on his promise not to raise taxes.	darinmex
847254	He insists on things being done in the most efficient way and he usually does them that way himself.	Source_Benedict_1921
38950	The argument presented in Doyle's study was first published as a white paper on drug-related crimes.	CM
2845169	The man I spoke to on the telephone was unclear as to how much firewood we actually needed to bring.	CK
954545	What I don't understand is why the children aren't being allowed to play outside on such a nice day.	CK
272612	If you whip the steering wheel around like that on a snowy road, the car is going to go into a slide.	CM
268325	After the hatchet job my boss did on my proposal, I'm not sure how long I want to keep on working here.	CM
3341856	After weeks of working flat out on the project, Tom can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.	patgfisher
38395	I get the feeling you still have an axe to grind. If you've got something to say come on out and say it.	CM
3271020	Tom left step-by-step instructions for the person who would be filling in for him while he was on leave.	patgfisher
1141305	During hard times, people might not go on a trip, but they might be willing to pay extra for good coffee.	Source_VOA
67201	If you watch the sun setting on a warm, damp day, you can see the moisture changing the shape of the sun.	CM
318675	He puts on a show of being impartial and unbiased, but I think he's just a guy with no opinion of his own.	CM
1953441	When I woke up today, I yawned, stretched, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and put on a pair of slippers.	_undertoad
1531537	The rocks on this beach remind me of those summer days when Laura and I played in the sand until nightfall.	erikspen
3001442	Tom seemed particularly interested in that 1939 Gibson guitar we have hanging on the back wall of the shop.	CK
2926906	Tom thought his violin was a Stradivarius because the name Stradivarius was on the label inside his violin.	CK
1954515	We can't leave our tents on the beach where they are now. If we do, they'll be under water during high tide.	CK
31048	Hey, has this been sitting out on the dinner table all day? It has to go in the refrigerator or it'll go bad.	CM
847262	If you are a parent, don't allow yourself to set your heart on any particular line of work for your children.	Source_Benedict_1921
61695	This factory uses an integrated manufacturing system standardized from parts on through to finished products.	CM
3351555	Tom didn't read the fine print on his insurance policy, and was shocked to find that his claim wasn't covered.	patgfisher
302279	From the moment he arrived there, he kept on bothering his doctor to tell him when he would be able to go home.	CM
953941	If you aren't careful about what you eat, you'll put back on all the weight that you spent so much time losing.	CK
954234	People often lie about what they did on the weekend, so their friends won't realize how boring they really are.	CK
3097351	When Tom was working on the dairy farm, he had to get up at five o'clock every morning to go and milk the cows.	patgfisher
271033	A few people mentioned they would like to attend some sessions later in the day on the Technical Session Agenda.	CM
1951606	The police can't find a single person who remembers seeing you where you said you were on the night of the murder.	CK