English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "On" in Example Sentences
Page 216

2537178	Tom put some water into the kettle and put it on the stove.	CK
3205167	Tom told me he didn't know anyone who lived on Park Street.	CK
3155465	Tom took off his jacket and hung it on the back of a chair.	CK
2958353	Tom took one of the shirts out of the closet and put it on.	CK
2743559	Tom wasn't tall enough to reach the books on the top shelf.	CK
1027721	Tom won't ever be able to forgive Mary for cheating on him.	CK
2958938	Tom's conduct is a reflection on the way he was brought up.	sharptoothed
37740	Tony and his mother got on a bus in the middle of the town.	CK
62278	Two of the coffee cups were found to be damaged on arrival.	CK
247906	We are speaking on behalf of the young people of Australia.	CK
2269092	We have to put the piano on its side in order to get it in.	_undertoad
3023224	We visited a small, hundred year-old church on Park Street.	CK
1893664	We'll do whatever it takes to complete the project on time.	CK
56596	What effect did the doctor say this medicine has on people?	CM
954562	What kind of person would spend so much money on a bicycle?	CK
54666	Where on earth can he have gone off to at this time of day?	Eldad
3132885	Why does this kind of thing always happen when I'm on duty?	CK
3002600	You could tell by the look on Tom's face that he was lying.	patgfisher
2537173	You would've gotten away with it if Tom hadn't told on you.	CK
16666	You'd better stay at home rather than go out on such a day.	Zifre
3199758	You'd think they'd call if they weren't planning on coming.	CK
1913208	"What kind of beer do you want?" "What do you have on tap?"	CK
386683	"When will you come back?" "It all depends on the weather."	Mouseneb
758874	As time goes on, China's economy gets stronger and stronger.	eastasiastudent
1898418	Come on out. You can't stay hiding under your bed all night.	CK
39674	David remained on the platform while the train was in sight.	CM
528522	Did you know there were a few foxes living on this mountain?	fanty
2662577	Getting Tom to show up on time doesn't seem to be a problem.	CK
304019	He broke down completely on hearing of his daughter's death.	blay_paul
267716	He found difficulty in making ends meet on his small salary.	CM
288676	He gave a series of lectures on Japanese literature at UCLA.	CK
297099	He got down on all fours and started searching for the ring.	CK
293698	He left for Europe a week ago, that is, on the tenth of May.	CK
258854	I bent over to pick up my pen which had fallen on the floor.	CK
1951987	I can't just give up. I've put in way too much time on this.	CK
241024	I changed my mind and decided not to go on a trip after all.	CK
283641	I copied in my notebook whatever he wrote on the blackboard.	CK
1756077	I found a note on the table, but I don't know who it's from.	CM
788260	I noticed a note on my desk, but I do not know who wrote it.	hrin
257841	I spent two hours watching a baseball game on TV last night.	CK
3024254	I think this is the most impressive building on Park Street.	CK
2881934	I watched the birds on the balcony while drinking my coffee.	Hybrid
1171807	I would have left on my trip if the weather hadn't been bad.	CK
252704	I'm glad to know that you are on the way to a full recovery.	CK
31032	If he carries on like this, he's going to wind up in prison.	CK
953952	If you get scared during the night, just turn on your light.	CK
328729	If you keep on like this, you'll probably live to reach 120!	CK
240416	In the park, some sat on benches, and others strolled about.	CM
954025	Isn't it true that you visited her on the night in question?	CK
247509	It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather.	CM