English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "On" in Example Sentences
Page 211

271035	Some students were sitting on the bench and having lunch.	CK
268062	Sometimes it is pleasant to look back on one's childhood.	CM
2890134	The bad weather prevented our ship from arriving on time.	sharptoothed
265376	The boss gave Mike the ax for not coming to work on time.	CM
49104	The company will advertise its new product on television.	CK
426606	The enemy can't close in on us so they can't do anything.	blay_paul
680877	The film expands on the idea of the importance of family.	Source_VOA
34333	The football game might be called off on account of rain.	CK
246154	The mayor compromised on the subject to a certain extent.	CM
49033	The newscaster puts too much emphasis on the food crisis.	CM
1538660	The wall is white on the inside and green on the outside.	erikspen
2798076	The wall is white on the outside and green on the inside.	Scott
60254	This movie may have an undesirable influence on children.	CM
58042	This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations.	CM
2956046	Tom asked me why I never came into the office on Mondays.	CK
2639761	Tom blew on the embers, hoping to get the fire restarted.	CK
2956285	Tom clicked a button on his remote, but nothing happened.	CK
2537229	Tom filled the kettle with water and put it on the stove.	CK
2744632	Tom gave Mary flowers and chocolate on their anniversary.	CK
1093923	Tom got some chewing gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe.	CK
2639758	Tom knew the names of every baseball player on that team.	CK
2639757	Tom knocked on the door and then entered without waiting.	CK
2639754	Tom pointed out several grammar mistakes on Mary's essay.	CK
2537226	Tom pulled out another document and laid it on the table.	CK
2957779	Tom put the apple pie and the pot of coffee on the table.	CK
2958185	Tom spoke to the person sitting next to him on the train.	CK
2716032	Tom took off his ski boots and put on a pair of slippers.	CK
2639749	Tom was the first paramedic on the scene of the accident.	CK
2958675	Tom was very aware that every eye in the room was on him.	CK
3061069	Tom went inside the dark room and switched on the lights.	CK
2958745	Tom wishes Mary wouldn't always go shopping on Saturdays.	CK
3287879	Tom's doctor advised him to cut down on his sugar intake.	patgfisher
2168778	We are currently experiencing heavy loads on our servers.	Hybrid
242357	We got to know each other rather well on our recent trip.	CM
248681	We took advantage of the sunny weather to go on a picnic.	CK
248791	We were held up for two hours on account of the accident.	CM
241802	We're a bit busy at the moment. Can you hang on a minute?	CK
2367870	We're thinking of adding on another bedroom to the house.	darinmex
906802	What's your favorite kind of place to go on a first date?	CK
294754	When he goes out, he asks me to keep an eye on his house.	CK
52678	When John goes on a date, he's known to be a big spender.	CM
271295	Whether you succeed or not depends on how hard you study.	CK
954657	Why did we have to come on this tour? It's really boring.	CK
324223	You can't rely on medicine alone if you want to get well.	CK
61336	You'll get a clear picture with this antenna on the roof.	CK
2955095	You've got to listen a little more carefully from now on.	CK
1506	"When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather."	CK
2951701	A mystery disease caused the grapes to wither on the vine.	patgfisher
32651	Are you going to play tricks on me again, you naughty boy?	CM
326030	As is often the case with her, she didn't show up on time.	CM