English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "On" in Example Sentences
Page 194

454497	She warned the children not to play on the street.	FeuDRenais
311954	She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling.	CM
316595	She waved at me before she got on board the plane.	Nero
1992909	Smoking is now prohibited on all domestic flights.	CK
805365	Soldiers on both sides were dying by the millions.	Source_VOA
807689	Some believed Nixon should have been put on trial.	Source_VOA
67800	Some birds are sitting on the branch of that tree.	CK
66353	Someday we will be able to go on a voyage to Mars.	Eldad
242623	Stock prices were mixed on the Tokyo market today.	CM
52395	Susan broke the dish on purpose to show her anger.	CK
1716434	Thank you for accepting my invitation on Facebook.	Amastan
42819	That depends on whether you are interested or not.	CM
42656	That is the same umbrella that I found on the bus.	CK
3182155	That was me talking to you on the phone yesterday.	CK
59345	The accent of this word is on the second syllable.	darinmex
2464703	The beehives are on the other side of the orchard.	sharptoothed
279411	The bus broke down on the way, so I ran to school.	CM
2300593	The car and seat number are written on the ticket.	Hybrid
280344	The company is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.	CM
3135897	The funniest thing happened to me on the way here.	CK
271482	The government clamped down on the minority group.	CK
2268190	The house is on the most level part of the ground.	_undertoad
20990	The manager sat on the bench with his arms folded.	Zifre
238879	The monthly staff meeting is never held on Monday.	CM
326453	The old man sat on the bench with his eyes closed.	CK
268400	The passengers came on board all at the same time.	CM
238295	The police blamed the accident on the taxi driver.	CK
2847989	The police found Tom's fingerprint on the trigger.	CK
2883139	The post office is on the other side of the river.	CK
1892326	The railroad workers are going on strike tomorrow.	Scott
682429	The sofa is wide enough for four people to sit on.	Source_VOA
241177	The speaker paused and then went on talking again.	CK
305157	Their assignments were handed in on September 1st.	CM
44988	There are cherry trees on each side of the street.	CK
3170667	There are some red lights blinking on the console.	CK
44755	There are still some savage tribes on that island.	CM
3091486	There was a photograph of Tom hanging on the wall.	CK
2300594	There's no speed limit on the Autobahn in Germany.	Hybrid
59588	These shoes are so tight that I can't put them on.	saeb
306646	They insisted on my making use of the opportunity.	CM
306175	They waited on the porch until it stopped raining.	CK
575314	This is the man that I see every day on the train.	FeuDRenais
3022313	This vase has been sitting on the shelf for years.	sharptoothed
37386	Tom and Jim have been on bad terms for many years.	CK
2640005	Tom and Mary go to work every day on the same bus.	CK
2640071	Tom and Mary went on a picnic with John and Alice.	CK
3158171	Tom bumped into Mary and spilled his drink on her.	CK
2956173	Tom buttoned up his shirt and then put on his tie.	CK
2466959	Tom declared war on the corruption in his country.	kuma
3130104	Tom got his girlfriend's name tattooed on his arm.	Hybrid