English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "On" in Example Sentences
Page 180

33643	The ball hit him on the left side of the head.	CK
1010130	The children built a sand castle on the beach.	allmarangie
532814	The church is on the other side of the street.	FeuDRenais
804338	The convention voted on the issue sixty times.	Source_VOA
27920	The doctor ordered her to go on a strict diet.	CK
682349	The employees voted on the manager's proposal.	Source_VOA
1126351	The family is eating breakfast on the balcony.	nadsat
2838657	The five brothers worked together on the farm.	APagano
444120	The grass is always greener on the other side.	CK
285392	The insurance on his violin costs $200 a year.	CK
320448	The lawyer insisted on the client's innocence.	CK
241190	The miners went on strike for a wage increase.	CM
264256	The next meeting will be on the tenth of June.	CK
63451	The poor child was on the verge of starvation.	Dejo
19013	The professor is in Japan on sabbatical leave.	Zifre
2163173	The storm had a serious effect on the economy.	Source_VOA
273044	The teacher put a short comment on each paper.	Eldad
681718	The wine left a permanent stain on the carpet.	Source_VOA
20581	The word processor on the desk is my father's.	NekoKanjya
681540	Their family name is written on their mailbox.	Source_VOA
954371	There are so many interesting things going on.	CK
57578	There is a great deal of traffic on this road.	CK
60813	There is a one-year guarantee on this toaster.	CK
1133261	There was a Persian cat sleeping on the table.	nadsat
1334791	There was an accident on the side of the road.	Scott
1309453	There was no chance to finish the job on time.	CK
39613	There were four pieces of cheese on the table.	CK
20584	There were no more than two books on the desk.	NekoKanjya
2640294	There were some muddy footprints on the floor.	CK
287256	There were two careless mistakes on his paper.	Zifre
72834	There were two children playing on the street.	CK
3168558	There's ice on the sidewalk and it's slippery.	CK
2496090	There's more going on here than meets the eye.	CM
544870	They are rich Englishwomen on a trip to Italy.	CM
307333	They caught him playing a trick on his sister.	CK
306333	They embarked on the new project full of hope.	CM
305466	They harbor thoughts of taking revenge on you.	CM
317719	They held a special session on trade problems.	CM
802594	They risked their lives on the dangerous trip.	Source_VOA
267010	They went on a trip abroad for the first time.	CK
680693	They're having a Mexican dinner on their date.	Source_VOA
1699293	This company has been spying on its employees.	Spamster
2955540	Tom always stays in bed until noon on Sundays.	CK
2537866	Tom and the other passengers got on the plane.	CK
2956082	Tom bailed on us just when we needed him most.	CK
2956630	Tom doesn't always understand what's going on.	CK
2878279	Tom entered the room and turned on the lights.	CK
3073694	Tom flicked the switch and the lights came on.	CM
3073698	Tom flipped the switch and the lights came on.	CK
2956859	Tom hardly ever relies on other people's help.	CK