English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "On" in Example Sentences
Page 172

3071514	There's a gang of tough kids on this street.	sharptoothed
680128	They agreed to work together on the project.	Source_VOA
2254308	They never seem to get together on anything.	_undertoad
1655467	They tried to hide what was really going on.	Spamster
307262	They went on an expedition to the Antarctic.	CK
842636	This building is on the verge of collapsing.	sacredceltic
2674466	This guidebook might be useful on your trip.	WestofEden
2662818	This is the problem we should work on first.	CK
463338	This looks as though it will drag on and on.	lukaszpp
37777	Though it was very late, he went on working.	CM
2955624	Tom and I happened to get on the same train.	CK
2640459	Tom and Mary got married on Valentine's Day.	CK
3142661	Tom answered the first question on the list.	CK
3068858	Tom began to light the candles on the table.	CK
2640442	Tom didn't get on back of Mary's motorcycle.	CK
3073717	Tom got on his motorcycle and started it up.	CK
3092468	Tom had a look of determination on his face.	CK
3308342	Tom has a picture of his family on his desk.	CK
3155887	Tom insisted I put on this bulletproof vest.	CK
3044342	Tom noticed a wedding ring on Mary's finger.	CK
2640430	Tom opened the door and turned on the light.	CK
2738870	Tom picked up the knife and saw blood on it.	CK
3155779	Tom plans to put new locks on all the doors.	CK
2640426	Tom pointed at one of the names on the list.	CK
2640424	Tom put on his glasses to read the contract.	CK
2538051	Tom put the knife down on the kitchen table.	CK
3223158	Tom sat down on his bed to put on his socks.	CK
2958070	Tom scribbled his signature on the contract.	CK
3187250	Tom spread some strawberry jam on his toast.	CK
2821080	Tom surprised Mary with a kiss on the cheek.	CK
3177877	Tom told me that I could sleep on his couch.	CK
2640412	Tom was asleep on the couch, snoring loudly.	CK
37734	Tony carved his name on a tree with a knife.	CK
68687	Try on that shirt. It's made of fine cotton.	CK
23587	We are excited about having you on our team.	CK
575346	We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons.	FeuDRenais
244575	We had a lecture on environmental pollution.	CM
935700	We had to leave for America on short notice.	CK
23140	We have to call on him tomorrow at any rate.	Shadd
43548	We haven't tried the drug out on humans yet.	CM
238474	We ran out of gas on the way to the theater.	CK
244802	What did you watch on television last night?	CK
281885	What floor is the daily goods department on?	CM
1962024	Where is the accent on the word 'Australia?'	HououinKyouma
2640401	Where were you on the night of October 20th?	CK
241084	Whether we go or not depends on the weather.	CK
954659	Why do Americans eat turkey on Thanksgiving?	CK
534659	Why don't you pick on someone your own size?	darinmex
66271	Why on earth did you resist taking medicine?	CM
556769	You can't put two saddles on the same horse.	gracehero