2111777 I'll obey. CK 1 2203737 Tom obeyed. CK 1 2203735 We'll obey. CK 1 2245989 I must obey. CK 1 2247576 I will obey. CK 1 2111365 They obeyed. CK 1 2203118 I'm obedient. CK 1 2241176 We must obey. CK 1 887316 She obeys him. CK 1 2203736 Tom will obey. CK 1 2255312 You will obey. CK 1 1245153 Don't obey him. CK 1 2203115 We're obedient. CK 1 2387286 I must obey Tom. CK 1 2203117 Tom is obedient. CK 1 2203116 You're obedient. CK 1 2549186 You will obey us. CK 1 2549027 Obey your parents. CK 1 2648281 Tom will obey you. CK 1 2389506 I obeyed the rules. CK 1 1334379 Obey your teachers. CK 1 2246034 I obey instructions. CK 1 2237583 Tom promptly obeyed. CK 1 23202 We obeyed the rules. CK 1 2237605 Tom reluctantly obeyed. CK 1 1417114 We must obey the rules. CK 1 2545973 I'm just obeying orders. CK 1 263276 We ought to obey the law. CK 1 248556 We should obey the rules. CK 1 2544925 I won't obey those orders. CK 1 2544683 I'm simply obeying orders. CK 1 1417115 We have to obey the rules. CK 1 1075502 We should always obey laws. CK 1 22632 We should obey our parents. CK 1 1027163 Tom always obeyed the rules. CK 1 2543400 Tom didn't obey his parents. CK 1 3171709 Tom doesn't obey his parents. CK 1 1094165 Tom expects Mary to obey him. CK 1 237640 You should obey your parents. CK 1 1044955 We always have to obey the rules. CK 1 240314 We should obey the traffic rules. CK 1 327616 Children should obey their parents. CK 1 1026212 Tom doesn't always obey his parents. CK 1 1867946 Tom said that I should obey the teacher. CK 1 887315 She obeys him no matter what he tells her to do. CK 1 1397651 Tom thinks that schools should teach children to obey authority. Spamster 1 2973426 Obey your father. AlanF_US 3360567 Tom was obedient. CK 1245152 Don't obey that man. CK 321046 We should obey the law. CK