2236791 Tom is numb. CK 1 252095 My arms went numb. CK 1 499957 My left hand is numb. blay_paul 1 2547508 Tom's feet felt numb. CK 1 27064 My right hand is numb. CK 1 1723816 My mouth is numb. belgavox 2264763 Cold numbs the limbs. _undertoad 252071 My hands were numb with cold. CK 657156 An ice pack will numb the pain. darinmex 21141 My hands are numb from the cold. CK 309182 I was numbed by her sudden death. CK 26417 The swimmers were numb with cold. CK 590531 This shot will help numb the pain. darinmex 243561 I have some numbness in my left hand. CK 1153548 My fingers are so cold they have gone numb. FiRez 1336407 My hand is so numb with cold that I can't move my fingers. Scott 265893 My fingers are so numb with cold that I can't play the piano. CK