303045 His nose bled. CK 1 1369203 My nose itches. sacredceltic 1 1774522 Wipe your nose. CK 1 318193 My nose is itchy. CK 1 1095768 Tom blew his nose. CK 1 3090322 Tom broke my nose. CK 1 1868449 Tom broke my nose. CK 1 2549002 Tom held his nose. CK 1 296383 He has a long nose. CK 1 318205 My nose is running. CK 1 3090320 Tom broke his nose. CK 1 3315066 Tom has a big nose. CK 1 2548520 Tom's nose was red. CK 1 318207 I have a runny nose. CK 1 2821635 Tom wiggled his nose. CK 1 318192 Your nose is running. CK 1 318194 My nose is stuffed up. CK 1 1177621 Tom has a bloody nose. CK 1 68973 Your nose is bleeding. CK 1 318203 My nose was very runny. CM 1 1092981 Tom scratched his nose. CK 1 1662724 Tom is picking his nose. Amastan 1 22686 We smell with our noses. NekoKanjya 1 2954960 You're nose is bleeding. CK 1 3315065 Does Tom have a big nose? CK 1 318191 I have a stuffed-up nose. CK 1 1025454 Tom has a stuffed-up nose. CK 1 419536 I can't breath through my nose. tanzoniteblack 1 318196 I can't breathe through my nose. CK 1 318197 Please breathe through your nose. CK 1 240647 I have a sore throat and runny nose. CK 1 1092900 Tom sometimes picks his nose in public. CK 1 1027471 I wish I hadn't punched Tom in the nose. CK 1 1024129 Tom stuck his nose where it didn't belong. CK 1 327788 The teacher pokes his nose into everything. CK 1 1027012 Tom blew his nose loudly during the oboe solo. CK 1 252804 I don't mean to poke my nose into your affairs. CK 1 1040734 After all day in the sun, Tom had a sunburned nose. CK 1 1390284 Tom got into a fight with Mary's brother and broke his nose. Spamster 1 1228721 You broke my nose. Guybrush88 491372 He has a nose bleed. darinmex 950186 My nose is bleeding. Guybrush88 309676 She has a long nose. CK 1898983 You have a big nose. sysko 3339993 Don't pick your nose. 8011794255 318200 Don't pick your nose. CM 950190 Her nose is bleeding. Guybrush88 950194 His nose is bleeding. Guybrush88 1476624 Keep your nose clean. Spamster 1661020 Tom is wiping his nose. Amastan