1164233 Tom seconded the motion. CK 1 64858 The patrolman motioned me to pull over. CK 1 2247188 Motion denied. CK 300078 He motioned us away. CM 3022570 I second the motion. sharptoothed 2258812 I second the motion. _undertoad 1225414 I get motion sickness. Guybrush88 308873 I motioned her to a seat. Nero 2957506 Tom motioned Mary to sit. CK 2957510 Tom motioned to the door. CK 2957507 Tom motioned Mary to stay. CK 297517 He motioned me to stand up. CK 2957511 Tom motioned up the street. CK 2259066 No one supported his motion. _undertoad 2957505 Tom motioned for Mary to sit. CK 3185224 Tom motioned for Mary to stay. CK 3223068 Tom motioned Mary to sit down. CK 2957508 Tom motioned me to follow him. CK 308874 I motioned for her to sit down. CK 2957502 Tom motioned for Mary to enter. CK 2957504 Tom motioned for Mary to leave. CK 2957509 Tom motioned them to be seated. CK 57642 Are you in favor of this motion? CK 2957501 Tom motioned for Mary to answer. CK 2957503 Tom motioned for Mary to follow. CK 476467 He motioned for me to follow him. NekoKanjya 2042369 The motion was carried unanimously. Tamy 46193 The scene was shown in slow motion. CM 280210 The motion is proposed and seconded. CM 3066909 Tom motioned for Mary to keep quiet. CK 453493 They showed the scene in slow motion. FeuDRenais 46190 I want to see the scene in slow motion. CK 681521 Our planet, Earth, is always in motion. Source_VOA 681520 Mary made a slight motion with her head. Source_VOA 42617 It was like watching a slow motion movie. CK 2258182 Don't get off while the vehicle is in motion. _undertoad 280198 Never open the door of a car that is in motion. CK 1534298 Tom thinks he has invented a perpetual motion machine. Spamster 681519 The bus was already in motion when he tried to board it. Source_VOA 1925380 There were 215 votes for the motion and 15 votes against it. CK