995991 This soil is moist. Guybrush88 1920677 It's moist and warm. Spamster 35847 Bring me a moist towel. CK 22267 Winds from the sea are moist. NekoKanjya 1920678 The climate is moist and warm. Spamster 309827 Her eyes were moist with tears. CM 327027 Savlon is a moisturizing skin cream. CM 3129245 Does anyone have some moisturizing cream? WestofEden 20271 If your windows are not airtight, moisture will seep in. NekoKanjya 329045 When rain's fallen and the soil is moist, it becomes easier to pull out weeds. fcbond 67201 If you watch the sun setting on a warm, damp day, you can see the moisture changing the shape of the sun. CM