2270318 Don't believe the media. CK 1 1756070 Never trust the mass media. CM 1756068 Never believe the mass media. CM 1553567 The media doesn't report this news. Eldad 271446 The government tends to control the media. CM 402901 Why is it the mass media didn't report this? blay_paul 1657960 This author is critical of the mainstream media. Spamster 32810 The media blew the whole thing out of proportion. CM 681449 Do you feel that the media presents the news fairly? Source_VOA 681450 Electronic news media is our primary source of information. Source_VOA 269374 Newspapers, television, and radio are called the mass media. CK 534830 The mystery surrounding his death was played up by the media. darinmex 273531 The media has a lot of influence on the outcome of an election. Nero 26634 The media got wind of a rumor about his engagement and came quickly. Scott 2038555 With social media it's possible to find out a lot of information about someone before meeting them. Chrikaru 916639 Even though the media reports that she is a potential presidential candidate, does anyone really think that she is a potential president? CK