57457 This machine was manufactured in France. CK 1 236776 This factory manufactures automobile parts. CK 1 543762 That factory manufactures toys. CK 681422 Robots are used to manufacture cars. Source_VOA 387374 This factory manufactures CD players. Mouseneb 60000 This company manufactures televisions. CM 681421 The dishes were manufactured in Taiwan. Source_VOA 2079266 They are manufactured in various sizes. Eldad 59872 This company manufactures computer chips. CK 49046 The company manufactures electrical goods. CM 681420 This factory manufactures electric stoves. Source_VOA 271939 The date of manufacture is shown on the lid. Zifre 59312 They are manufacturing TV sets in this factory. CK 681085 The company manufactures a variety of paper goods. Source_VOA 59998 This firm manufactures cars at the rate of two hundred per day. CK 271941 The manufacturing sector is a frenzy over the new monetary policy. CK 61695 This factory uses an integrated manufacturing system standardized from parts on through to finished products. CM