2281801 We don't know the lyrics. CK 1 1954777 I can't remember the lyrics. CK 1 1202194 Tom doesn't like songs with crude lyrics. CK 1 1024564 Tom likes to write poems and song lyrics. CK 1 1095644 Tom can remember the chords to the song, but can't remember all the lyrics. CK 1 1840575 Do you translate lyrics? Amastan 908725 Who's your favorite lyricist? CK 906886 What's your favorite song lyric? CK 1323226 What are the lyrics to that song? CK 1840573 I sometimes translate lyrics for my wife. Amastan 1395516 I know that tune, but I can't remember the lyrics. CK 1043830 I can sing this song without looking at the lyrics. CK 684588 "Jingle Bells," a popular song around Christmas time, is not really a Christmas song. The lyrics say nothing about Christmas. CK