English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Letter" in Example Sentences
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528086	Does the letter need to be written in English?	fanty
283794	He can't possibly write the letter by himself.	CK
1039504	He hasn't written you a letter in a long time.	GPHemsley
299232	He went to the post office to mail the letter.	CK
1042289	I asked him to make four copies of the letter.	yessoos
58674	I gathered from this letter that he was angry.	CK
259799	I got a letter from a friend of mine in Japan.	CK
72274	I have just received your letter of the ninth.	CM
261579	I opened the envelope and pulled out a letter.	CK
309386	Judging from her letter, she seems to be well.	CM
805418	Letters were carried by riders on fast horses.	Source_VOA
1485691	My grandmother mailed the letter this morning.	CK
323172	Remember to mail this letter tomorrow morning.	CK
292562	The moment he was alone, he opened the letter.	CK
286624	To her disappointment, his letter didn't come.	CM
241888	We have not received a letter from him so far.	CK
23219	We received an immediate answer to our letter.	Swift
1747513	When is the last time you wrote a love letter?	belgavox
1140021	Would you be willing to write a letter for me?	CK
1742161	"Whose letters are these?" "They are Linda's."	Amastan
807580	A messenger took the letter to the White House.	Source_VOA
400431	Does this letter have to be written in English?	CK
1039503	He hasn't written them a letter in a long time.	GPHemsley
29302	I got a letter from a friend of mine in London.	CK
755264	It's not easy writing a love letter in English.	sctld
314887	She reproached me for not answering the letter.	CM
27636	The moment she was alone she opened the letter.	NekoKanjya
58672	This letter says that he will arrive on Monday.	CK
719916	How many letters does the Russian alphabet have?	darinmex
321182	I didn't answer your letter, because I was busy.	CK
260149	I had just written the letter when he came back.	CK
260729	I received a letter informing me of his arrival.	CM
27765	I received your letter the day before yesterday.	CK
528825	I sent him a letter to let him know my decision.	darinmex
1497038	I suggest that you write her a thank-you letter.	CK
1497037	I suggest that you write him a thank-you letter.	CK
2239685	The letter is being written at this very minute.	AlanF_US
1532036	The mother occasionally reread her son's letter.	LittleBoy
803296	Then he would give his letters to another rider.	Source_VOA
2640127	Tom opened the envelope and took out the letter.	CK
526640	We should write a formal letter to the director.	CK
308167	When he saw her letter, he felt somewhat uneasy.	Eldad
311286	When she was reading the letter, she looked sad.	CM
58647	Write back to me as soon as you get this letter.	CK
320054	You must begin a sentence with a capital letter.	CK
3079497	All the letters on the desk are addressed to Tom.	CK
809904	As far as I know, your letter is under that book.	TomSFox
266010	As soon as she read the letter, she began to cry.	Eldad
2761494	Have you learned all the letters in the alphabet?	sharptoothed
294071	He doesn't know how to write a letter in English.	CK