English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Let" in Example Sentences
Page 76

1008015	Please let me see your passport and boarding pass.	AOCinJAPAN
316502	She wondered whether she should let him go or not.	CK
37245	Tom happened to let out the secret to his friends.	CM
1954553	We can't let these flowers die. Please water them.	CK
243913	You won't be let down if you read the entire book.	CK
1858661	"Why didn't you kiss Mary?" "She wouldn't let me."	CK
240990	As soon as I let go of the leash, the dog ran away.	CK
56032	Don't let this discourage you from trying it again.	CM
1954591	I can't let you drink by yourself. Let me join you.	CK
307811	I don't want to see him, let alone go out with him.	CM
282861	I hope he will not let us down again by being late.	CK
3135861	If it happens again, please let me know right away.	CK
1695407	If no one has a better proposal, let's get to work.	marcelostockle
2761486	Let me show you a picture of the Statue of Liberty.	sharptoothed
2662663	Let's check with Tom and see what his problems are.	CK
327182	Let's have a party with members of the tennis club.	CK
2662662	Let's hope we can avoid this problem in the future.	CK
2996741	Let's look around and see if anybody's in the park.	CK
282599	Let's make clear which is right and which is wrong.	CM
3071626	Let's meet at the same place that we met last time.	sharptoothed
323188	Let's start jogging together from tomorrow morning.	CK
42927	Please think it over and let me know your decision.	fucongcong
279334	She asked if she could use the phone, so I let her.	CK
322520	Should anything happen to you, let us know at once.	CM
2800316	"I'm getting hungry." "Me, too." "Let's eat." "OK."	CK
257085	I can't let you talk about your own father that way.	CK
3222733	I should never have let Tom talk me into doing this.	CK
1961664	I thought you said they'd let sit in on the meeting.	CK
238587	I will let you know after I have inquired once more.	CK
30948	If the brain is dead, we should let the patient die.	CM
695932	If the weather is good tomorrow, let's go on a hike.	CK
2662648	If Tom had money problems, I think he'd let us know.	CK
2977948	Let me know if there's anything I can help you with.	Hybrid
3129650	Let's assume it happened exactly as Tom says it did.	CK
954149	Let's give up on our plan to eat at that restaurant.	CK
2953174	Let's go somewhere nice for our wedding anniversary.	CK
324067	Let's have dinner before we go to the baseball game.	CM
323184	Let's meet at the station at eight tomorrow morning.	CK
3205028	Let's tell Tom we're too tired to come over tonight.	CK
954414	There's something I have to let you know right away.	CK
2718629	Tom should've let his children come camping with us.	CK
1938883	"Let's dance together." "I thought you'd never ask."	CK
3150841	Come on, let me buy you a cup of coffee or something.	CK
727114	I wonder if Prince William lets anyone call him Bill.	darinmex
17038	Let me put down your new phone number in my notebook.	papabear
3045739	Let the milk stand over night and skim off the cream.	sharptoothed
19787	Let's take advantage of the vacation to go on a hike.	CK
2007220	Let's try to get this done before the end of the day.	CK
54959	Let's try to settle our differences once and for all.	CM
68194	Please let me off on this side of that traffic light.	CK