English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Let" in Example Sentences
Page 72

1852544	Let's pitch the tent while it's still light.	CK
264266	Let's put off the meeting until next Friday.	CM
2891692	Let's see you talk your way out of this one.	CK
2259070	Now then, let's get this problem cleared up.	_undertoad
48988	Please let me have a look at those pictures.	CK
238542	Please let me know as soon as it is decided.	CK
245401	The work should let up by a week from today.	CK
238593	We'll let you know the result within a week.	Eldad
35266	Would you mind letting me see your passport?	mamat
3133598	You can't just stand by and let this happen.	CK
3093684	You'd better not let Tom see you doing that.	CK
276576	Don't let anyone enter or approach this room.	CM
2985707	Don't let your imagination run away with you.	sharptoothed
3153871	Give me the knife and let me slice the bread.	CK
273222	He said, "Let's take a walk along the river."	CK
3133560	How could you let something like that happen?	CK
3133558	I don't intend to let that happen ever again.	CK
2538002	I tried to leave, but Tom wouldn't let me go.	CK
1679751	If we're going to do this, let's do it right.	charlotte13
1365673	If you go out, I won't let you come in again.	CM
25986	Let me give you a lift as far as the station.	CK
38264	Let me hear from you now and again, will you?	CK
320477	Let me see your health insurance certificate.	CK
954135	Let me tell you about a girl I met yesterday.	CK
3204559	Let me tell you what I'm going to do for you.	CK
473812	Let the fathers be fathers and the sons sons.	GrizaLeono
896035	Let's do it at our own pace without hurrying.	Scott
1334588	Let's get out of here before the police come.	CK
502364	Let's get the work over with so we can relax.	momomonkey
266446	Let's get together and talk about the matter.	Dejo
3223166	Let's go sit in the car until the rain stops.	CK
21778	Let's have lunch downtown and take in a show.	NekoKanjya
954153	Let's hit the town tonight and have some fun.	CK
3278258	Let's meet in front of the main gate at 2:30.	CK
1157238	Let's share this money between the two of us.	belgavox
3166218	Let's sit at one of the tables near the back.	CK
20870	Let's take the utmost caution against errors.	NekoKanjya
274878	Many people respect you. Don't let them down.	CM
325710	My parents would not let me go out with boys.	CK
1546581	No matter how things go, let's stay together.	Vy
2884341	Please let me have an hour to think about it.	patgfisher
369501	Please let me know if you have any questions.	Trank
878014	The gardener didn't let us walk on the grass.	papabear
238153	The policeman wouldn't let go of the suspect.	CK
3085057	Tom opened the front door to let the dog out.	CK
3180195	Tom, will you let me copy your math homework?	WestofEden
1954760	We can't relax here. Let's go somewhere else.	CK
1954552	You can't let them take my kids away from me.	CK
283891	You shouldn't let him get away with cheating.	CK
1911835	"When will you be here?" "I'll let you know."	CK