English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Let" in Example Sentences
Page 42

2170654	Let's not forget we never could have done this without Tom's help.	CK	1
1024635	Tom knew the truth, but he didn't let anyone know that he knew it.	CK	1
1057302	Let's quickly finish the remaining work and go out for some drinks.	CK	1
2042854	Tom wanted to drive, but since he was drunk, Mary wouldn't let him.	CK	1
1954562	You can't let Tom drive that old truck. Let him drive your new car.	CK	1
1860639	Let me ask you something, Tom. Do you think we really have a chance?	CK	1
1027714	Tom would rather let Mary have her own way than to have an argument.	CK	1
1096208	I imagine that Tom will eventually give up and let someone else do it.	CK	1
1026861	Tom can meet you at the airport if you let him know your arrival time.	CK	1
1950845	Tom can't believe that Mary thinks it's OK to let John take the blame.	CK	1
1092592	Tom usually lets dirty dishes pile up for a week, then he washes them.	CK	1
2042883	Let's play another hand of poker. I want a chance to win my money back.	CK	1
66120	We're always going there! Let's go to a French restaurant for a change.	CM	1
953495	I just want to let you know that I can't attend this afternoon's meeting.	CK	1
2042893	I understand how much you want to go to the party, but I can't let you go.	CK	1
1095203	Tom could have gone camping with you if you'd let him know you were going.	CK	1
1096103	Since Tom wanted the chocolate much more than she did, Mary let him have it.	CK	1
1026822	Tom can't afford to eat at that kind of restaurant so let's go somewhere else.	CK	1
1096212	I imagine that Tom will eventually convince Mary to let him buy a new motorcycle.	CK	1
953496	I just want to let you know that I think you're the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen.	CK	1
660426	Let me be.	Nero
3334008	Let us in.	CK
1894371	Let him go!	Spamster
3041623	Let him in.	alec
1935452	He let me go.	Spamster
1935458	He let us go.	Spamster
1801728	Let her talk.	Spamster
1801727	Let him talk.	Spamster
250318	Let me alone.	CK
2179112	Let's bounce.	Hybrid
2706140	He let Tom go.	Guybrush88
2238516	Let her sleep.	AlanF_US
284960	Let him at it.	CM
530076	Let him enter.	wma
3138297	Let Tom speak.	Hybrid
274456	Let's ease up.	CM
442935	Let's go, Ken.	CK
3334021	Just let me go.	CK
241528	Let it all out.	CM
3334007	Let me back in.	CK
3334006	Let me come in.	CK
3333992	Let me feel it.	CK
3333991	Let me have it.	CK
3333990	Let me hold it.	CK
3333989	Let me read it.	CK
3333862	Let me see you.	CK
24136	Let us go home.	NekoKanjya
1615177	Let's be happy.	Spamster
2692219	Let's hope not.	fekundulo
21242	Let's split it.	CM