English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Let" in Example Sentences
Page 4

2262234	Let Tom try it.	CK	1
2249528	Let's ask them.	CK	1
2007910	Let's be brave.	CK	1
2007909	Let's be clear.	CK	1
2007908	Let's be frank.	CK	1
2007907	Let's be quiet.	CK	1
2007906	Let's be smart.	CK	1
2007905	Let's call Tom.	CK	1
2007904	Let's check it.	CK	1
2007903	Let's continue.	CK	1
2007902	Let's eat here.	CK	1
2007901	Let's enjoy it.	CK	1
1894549	Let's find out.	CK	1
2007900	Let's find Tom.	CK	1
2007899	Let's fire Tom.	CK	1
2007898	Let's fix this.	CK	1
2007897	Let's get wild.	CK	1
2007896	Let's go again.	CK	1
2007895	Let's have fun.	CK	1
2007894	Let's head out.	CK	1
3162074	Let's help Tom.	CK	1
19660	Let's hurry up.	CK	1
2007893	Let's just eat.	CK	1
2235863	Let's meet Tom.	CK	1
773590	Let's not play.	marloncori	1
1894532	Let's not talk.	CK	1
2530536	Let's play tag.	CK	1
2007892	Let's practice.	CK	1
2007891	Let's sit down.	CK	1
2007890	Let's try that.	CK	1
2007889	Let's try this.	CK	1
39186	Let's watch TV.	CK	1
495626	They let me go.	FeuDRenais	1
410596	Well, let's go.	CK	1
2270464	Don't let it go.	CK	1
1453391	I can't let you.	Spamster	1
2549524	I'll let Tom go.	CK	1
2549523	I'll let you go.	CK	1
2262218	Just let Tom go.	CK	1
2262221	Let me call Tom.	CK	1
1553416	Let me carry it.	CK	1
239294	Let me check it.	CK	1
1844212	Let me find out.	CK	1
27652	Let me go alone.	CK	1
3012339	Let me go first.	CK	1
64396	Let me help you.	CK	1
2249523	Let me practice.	CK	1
41848	Let me see that.	CK	1
3012456	Let me show you.	CK	1
3199824	Let me tell Tom.	CK	1