681314 Tom needs to gain more knowledge. Source_VOA 1 292621 He has a good knowledge of French. CK 1 277047 It's my belief that knowledge is power. CK 1 2314937 I didn't know that was public knowledge. CK 1 250251 My uncle has a good knowledge of French. CK 1 1027255 To the best of my knowledge, Tom can't swim. CK 1 2450113 My knowledge of French doesn't amount to much. sharptoothed 1 476173 His lack of technical knowledge kept him from being promoted. CK 1 277046 Knowledge is power. LowMemory 273721 All knowledge is not good. CM 250363 My knowledge of German is poor. CK 2750987 To the best of my knowledge, no. sharptoothed 301129 He has some knowledge of editing. CK 312119 She acquired a knowledge of French. CK 616097 Do you have any knowledge of French? Eldad 45281 The man was a fountain of knowledge. CM 2761596 Tom's lack of knowledge was obvious. sharptoothed 292685 He acquired some knowledge about Ben. CM 295700 He has both experience and knowledge. CK 287307 His extensive knowledge surprises me. CM 681313 I have no knowledge about their plans. Source_VOA 312674 She acquired the knowledge of English. CK 301449 He has experience as well as knowledge. CK 271877 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. CK 284639 He has knowledge and experience as well. CM 1020022 My knowledge of Japanese is rather poor. Guybrush88 39231 Television helps us widen our knowledge. darinmex 477224 To my knowledge, she hasn't married yet. FeuDRenais 3071464 Tom had an unusual thirst for knowledge. sharptoothed 272365 A baby has no knowledge of good and evil. CK 2751079 Do you have any knowledge of this matter? sharptoothed 292604 He has a good reading knowledge of French. CK 2266363 He has very little knowledge of geography. _undertoad 1190275 That is common knowledge in every village. Imp 17503 You have knowledge and experience as well. papabear 289089 He always parades his knowledge of English. CK 1214152 He has a good knowledge of Russian grammar. CM 1008529 His knowledge of geography is insufficient. jakov 52754 John's father has some knowledge of French. Swift 3226659 A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. CK 251434 To the best of my knowledge, he is innocent. CM 302226 He has a good knowledge of Japanese religion. CK 317450 She has an encyclopedic knowledge of cooking. CK 3024097 It's common knowledge that you don't like Tom. CK 251466 To the best of my knowledge, he will not come. CM 288212 He prides himself on his knowledge of politics. CM 56751 Our knowledge on the problem is rather limited. CM 1345745 Anna got married without her parents' knowledge. CK 302242 He has only a superficial knowledge of Japanese. CM 300949 He has transferred all his knowledge to his son. CM