2645752 Tom tightened the knot. CK 1 2266912 I can't untie this knot. _undertoad 1 54676 This knot will not hold. CK 1 3096385 This knot's coming loose. CK 1 1029910 Tom and Mary are going to tie the knot this spring. CK 1 2267851 That knot's loose. _undertoad 2751089 Can you untie this knot? sharptoothed 257198 I can't tie a very good knot. CK 2751017 Tom knotted the rope securely. sharptoothed 1860472 Don't get all tied up in knots. CK 3330375 I showed Tom how to tie some knots. CK 2958244 Tom straightened the knot on his tie. CK 66027 When are you planning to tie the knot? Nero 2712505 Tom held the knife between his teeth as he untied the knot. CK