1024056 Tom used to live deep in the jungle. CK 1 2208742 Tom hacked his way through the jungle alone. CK 1 2518535 They entered the jungle. Hybrid 845402 We're not in the jungle. riccioberto 288796 He explored the Amazon jungle. CK 1951713 I can't go back to the jungle. CK 545601 This is the law of the jungle. FeuDRenais 324130 Wild animals live in the jungle. CK 290145 He ran a great risk in the jungle. CM 29846 The lion is the king of the jungle. CM 23222 We chopped our way through the jungle. CK 23143 We will get through the jungle somehow. CK 432904 He wrote a book about jungle adventures. aliene 682434 Most of the Amazon jungle is still wild. Source_VOA 1476792 He wrote a book about a jungle adventure. weihaiping 424588 The rain fell soundlessly upon the jungle. Scott 2327435 The explorers made their way through the jungle. Hybrid 290146 He contracted malaria while living in the jungle. CK 1535640 One day, Pablo got lost in the Guatemalan jungle. Cainntear 1546138 You have to be careful when you're in the jungle. Spamster 290144 He wrote a book about his adventures in the jungle. CK 1167083 The voices coming from the jungle frightened the explorers. AKINCI81