1327908 It's inevitable. CK 1 2248853 It was inevitable. CK 1 2245075 Change is inevitable. CK 1 263740 Accidents are inevitable. CK 1 2245071 Casualties were inevitable. CK 1 2330098 I guess this was inevitable. CK 1 2262428 Tom accepted the inevitable. CK 1 304976 It was inevitable that they would meet. CK 1 3043464 Death is inevitable. CK 273316 War is not inevitable. CM 547045 Their meeting was inevitable. FeuDRenais 265243 As a matter of fact, bankruptcy is inevitable. CM 239613 Under the circumstances, bankruptcy is inevitable. CM 318245 It is inevitable that some changes will take place. CM 2682128 There isn't anything that anybody can do to avoid the inevitable. iainmb93 847222 Overtaxed heart, kidneys and liver are inevitable results of too much food. Source_Benedict_1921 45900 The industrialist found a wealthy financier to help him weather the storm which was inevitable. CM