2236734 Tom is independent. CK 1 2273598 Tom is very independent. CK 1 2377440 I like being independent. CK 1 2115 I want to be more independent. CK 1 295716 He became financially independent. CK 1 260252 I advised him to be independent of his parents. CK 1 52635 John wanted to be completely independent of his family. Swift 1 3172363 Are you independent? CK 1666825 He's an independent thinker. Spamster 1666826 She's an independent thinker. Spamster 1737267 He wants to be more independent. Spamster 300071 He is independent of his parents. CK 62582 Kenya became independent in 1963. CK 805471 The treaty made Texas independent. Source_VOA 1820305 She's a smart and independent girl. Spamster 2992382 Mary is a strong, independent woman. Hybrid 2004982 Bangladesh became independent in 1971. Guybrush88 65256 Elizabeth is independent of her parents. CM 681206 My grandma is a very independent person. Source_VOA 681204 My son has always been very independent. Source_VOA 53678 A gentleman is a man of independent means. CM 304714 He wants to be independent of his parents. CM 681205 How long has your country been independent? Source_VOA 258852 I'm economically independent of my parents. CM 257158 I am economically independent of my parents. CK 304713 He is economically independent of his parents. CK 802587 In 1847, they declared themselves independent. Source_VOA 312239 She is economically independent of her parents. CK 67547 When did America become independent of England? CK 295717 He is not economically independent of his parents. CM 239544 She is economically independent of her parents now. CM 31138 It's about time you were independent of your parents. Dejo 52561 John wanted to be completely independent of his parents. Swift 241926 Now that I have a job, I can be independent of my parents. CM 1499310 In a democracy, it is important that the press be independent. CM 237643 You lean on your parents too much. You must be more independent. CK 44725 In those days, America was not independent of the United Kingdom. CM 269748 Parents hope their children will become independent as soon as possible. CM 1346971 Dick had been dependent on his parents, but now he's independent of them. CM 242453 More and more women have their own careers and are economically independent of their husbands. CM