English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Impossible" in Example Sentences
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27436	It is next to impossible for you to finish the work in a day.	CK
3205207	It's almost impossible to tell what someone else is thinking.	CK
45659	The storm will make it impossible for the ship to leave port.	CK
318446	His sickness made it impossible for him to continue his study.	CK
1871846	Once you start eating popcorn, it's almost impossible to stop.	CK
1871845	Once you start eating popcorn, it's nearly impossible to stop.	CK
271346	It is impossible for a growing child to keep still for an hour.	Eldad
2336	You cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd.	Zifre
247004	It is difficult, if not impossible, for me to beat him at tennis.	CM
1299727	It was impossible to come up with a really satisfactory solution.	Eldad
954069	It's almost impossible to avoid eating genetically modified food.	CK
1318789	I tried to stay on friendly terms with her, but it was impossible.	CM
245234	Unfortunately it will be impossible for us to accept your proposal.	CK
21895	It is almost impossible to learn a foreign language in a short time.	Swift
322836	You must think it's impossible, but could you at least give it a try?	CK
311281	She tried to put the young man out of her mind, but it was impossible.	CM
30712	If it were not for electricity, our civilized life would be impossible.	CK
282259	The heavy fog made it impossible for us to see anything in front of us.	CK
57317	This room is very small, so it is impossible to put more furniture in it.	CK
263136	We are in danger of making life impossible for a large number of animal species.	CM
17955	If you were to fall from that bridge, it would be almost impossible to rescue you.	CK
312347	She wished for a more relaxing life, but that was impossible under the circumstances.	CK
45622	The twins look so much alike it's next to impossible to distinguish one from the other.	CK
1343239	The understanding of the present is impossible without a good understanding of the past.	alexmarcelo
2240857	When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.	Hybrid
245863	Knowing how much school for my kids is costing, it's impossible to relax with a beer and take it easy.	CM
329321	The scientific truth of evolution is so overwhelmingly established, that it is virtually impossible to refute.	fcbond
953912	I've heard that it's impossible to sound like a native speaker unless one starts speaking the language before the age of twelve.	CK
1027257	Though Tom's English seems quite good at times, he doesn't seem to know his limitations and it's impossible to convince him that he's wrong when he makes a mistake.	CK