2885791 Tom is an illegal immigrant. AlanF_US 67540 America is a land of immigrants. CK 1727708 Tom teaches German to immigrants. Amastan 67541 America is a country of immigrants. CK 807241 These new immigrants had no skills. Source_VOA 501844 She fell in love with a Russian immigrant. testdog 33333 Most Americans are descended from immigrants. CK 26145 Many immigrants to Britain have come from Asia. NekoKanjya 266308 The bishop took pity on the desperate immigrants. CM 1172641 The immigrants dream of having a new, better life. Nero 1343452 The ship carried hundreds of immigrants to America. Chrikaru 804260 Poor Japanese immigrants were willing to work for low pay. Source_VOA 682401 The United States welcomes immigrants from many countries. Source_VOA 1428496 In the 19th century, the number of immigrants grew rapidly. CM 1403177 The majority of the Americans are descended from immigrants. Eldad 1428495 In the 19th century, the number of immigrants increased rapidly. CM 1390344 Oliver found out that his new girlfriend is an illegal immigrant. Spamster 274791 Many groups of immigrants have been assimilated into American society. CM 245502 The bishop felt pity for the immigrants who were abandoned, and gave them help. CK 67494 The first immigrants in American history came from England and the Netherlands. CM 73310 Between 1820 and 1973, the United States admitted more than 46 million immigrants. Dejo