English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Government" in Example Sentences
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271438	The government had to make up for the loss.	CK
2982335	The government wanted to avoid controversy.	Hybrid
1969193	The government's policies failed miserably.	CK
802478	They were members of the local governments.	Source_VOA
1573755	Our secret was discovered by the government.	trieuho
320211	Rice prices are regulated by the government.	CK
271461	The government has been reforming education.	CK
271494	The government imposed a new tax on farmers.	CM
271497	The government promised to wipe out poverty.	CM
273251	The government rationed meat during the war.	CM
802569	They had two messages from their government.	Source_VOA
802570	They organized a temporary state government.	Source_VOA
22865	We studied the government's economic policy.	CK
271508	Government officials inspected all factories.	CM
1756916	He holds a senior position in the government.	Spamster
804358	The Colombian government demanded more money.	Source_VOA
271450	The government has imposed a new tax on wine.	CK
271472	The government must make fundamental changes.	CM
47890	The government of that country is now stable.	CK
807537	The Mexican government had grown even weaker.	Source_VOA
48899	The students rebelled against the government.	CM
294912	He has a good position in a government office.	CM
271496	The government deprived him of all his rights.	CK
271479	The government issued the following statement.	CK
807565	The government of Mexico refused to negotiate.	Source_VOA
2137406	Why are you protesting against the government?	halfb1t
271456	The government had to alter its foreign policy.	Nero
271424	The government imposed a new tax on cigarettes.	CK
271416	The Government's domestic policy was announced.	CK
237988	A stable economy is the aim of every government.	CM
1567903	The government doesn't invest much in education.	Eldad
36471	Why does the US government let people have guns?	CK
2649574	Do you think this is the best form of government?	sharptoothed
289171	He always speaks of the government with contempt.	CM
803309	She knew almost all the top government officials.	Source_VOA
271465	The government is trying to get rid of pollution.	CM
271488	The government refuses to bow to public pressure.	CM
2959008	Tom has always favored representative government.	sharptoothed
294109	He attacked the government's policy in his speech.	CK
271482	The government clamped down on the minority group.	CK
271498	The government has held commodity prices in check.	CM
271422	The government's investment will create many jobs.	CK
268508	The situation got out of the government's control.	CM
271512	A government official's stately mansion was looted.	CM
803320	He denounced all forms of dishonesty in government.	Source_VOA
271428	The government is desperate to keep inflation down.	CM
271475	The government is running its largest deficit ever.	CM
462734	The government is trying to develop new industries.	lukaszpp
805409	The government would give them food for the winter.	Source_VOA
281788	The Japanese government made an important decision.	CK