268086 Wax the floor. CK 1 2891657 It's up one floor. CK 1 2007745 Let's mop the floor. CK 1 2548069 Tom swept the floor. CK 1 1164413 Tom mopped the floor. CK 1 433524 Get down on the floor! CK 1 2646546 Put that on the floor. CK 1 2547063 The floors were clean. CK 1 2547033 Tom fell to the floor. CK 1 268089 Don't sit on the floor. CK 1 258695 I felt the floor shake. CK 1 268098 Look down at the floor. CK 1 3177889 Tom slept on the floor. CK 1 1392883 I'm on the eighth floor. CK 1 3085579 It's on the first floor. learnaspossible 1 1868062 Tom looked at the floor. CK 1 72329 It's on the eighth floor. CK 1 3311114 We're on the right floor. CK 1 3311113 We're on the wrong floor. CK 1 299628 He fell down on the floor. CK 1 1183660 I live on the fifth floor. driada 1 619139 I live on the first floor. fliegster 1 3120743 I swept the kitchen floor. chajadan 1 2644161 You're on the wrong floor. CK 1 256107 I live on the bottom floor. CK 1 260438 I made him sweep the floor. CK 1 1868414 Tom collapsed on the floor. CK 1 299626 He was sitting on the floor. CK 1 268091 The floor must be very clean. CK 1 2542766 Tom was sitting on the floor. CK 1 1898162 There's no blood on the floor. CK 1 422369 My room is on the fourth floor. CK 1 2064163 There's something on the floor. CK 1 1872451 Tom saw something on the floor. CK 1 1888 Your glasses fell on the floor. Swift 1 268093 The floor was covered with dust. CK 1 1092577 Tom walked up to the third floor. CK 1 299629 He dropped his books on the floor. CK 1 1095859 Tom asked Mary to sweep the floor. CK 1 1155832 Tom sat cross-legged on the floor. CK 1 2571296 I don't mind sleeping on the floor. Hybrid 1 1025871 Tom dropped his books on the floor. CK 1 251775 My apartment is on the fourth floor. CK 1 1369535 All you have to do is sweep the floor. CK 1 2615578 The men's room is on the second floor. CK 1 1877495 Tom is still unconscious on the floor. CK 1 1877518 Tom picked the stuff up off the floor. CK 1 1153966 I took the elevator to the third floor. belgavox 1 68629 How many floors does that building have? CK 1 534213 I took the elevator to the fourth floor. CK 1