English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Fault" in Example Sentences
Page 5

64515	Let's stop finding fault with each other.	CK
291446	He convinced me that it was not his fault.	CK
320624	My mother is always finding fault with me.	CM
2956335	Tom convinced me that it wasn't his fault.	CK
1415498	I hope you are not thinking it is my fault.	CK
270013	People often don't notice their own faults.	CK
308751	She has a lot of faults. Still, I like her.	CM
395732	Being overly generous is his greatest fault.	CK
238512	Despite all his faults, everybody likes him.	CK
284780	He had faults, but despite that I loved him.	Nero
289174	He is always finding fault with his teacher.	CM
1331852	There is no shame in admitting one's faults.	Scott
289178	He is always finding fault with other people.	Dejo
312795	She finds fault with everything and everyone.	CK
308744	She has faults, but I love her none the less.	CM
310932	She is always finding fault with her husband.	CM
3042178	What makes you think that it was Tom's fault?	CK
251645	My father is too stubborn to admit his faults.	CM
244116	My wife has faults. None the less, I love her.	CK
68244	She is always finding fault with other people.	CM
317466	She is always finding fault with her neighbors.	CM
2640202	Tom got blamed even though it wasn't his fault.	CK
314292	She always finds fault with the way I do things.	CK
3135791	Whatever happens to Tom is his fault, not yours.	CK
1994410	You're going to be in trouble and it's my fault.	CK
3094887	Are you saying that the accident was Tom's fault?	CK
291601	He is constantly finding fault with other people.	CK
3157472	How can we convince Tom that it wasn't his fault?	CK
3135686	If something happens, it's Tom's fault, not mine.	CK
317156	She is a beauty, admittedly, but she has her faults.	CM
284793	I cannot help liking him in spite of his many faults.	CK
313394	I cannot help loving her in spite of her many faults.	CK
48682	The teacher is always finding fault with his students.	CM
1315788	He's not the kind of person who finds fault with others.	CM
328659	Is it the vacuum cleaner's fault that the room is dusty?	fcbond
284632	Whatever faults he may have, meanness is not one of them.	CM
2740316	Tom said that it wasn't his fault and he blamed Mary instead.	Hybrid
38763	I can't understand why James always finds fault with his wife.	CK
250754	I cannot stand you telling me all the time what my faults are.	CM
607270	I plucked up the courage and confessed that it was all my fault.	Shishir
653121	If you believe what politicians say, it's really your own fault.	BraveSentry
308750	She has some faults, but I love her all the more because of them.	Dejo
53147	Jack always finds fault with others. That's why everybody avoids him.	CK
327426	A fault common to scientists is mistakenly believing that every problem has a technical solution.	CK
2964178	Tom couldn't get his car insured because he had had six accidents in three years, all of which had been his fault.	patgfisher
267040	Crashes in the early days of commercial jets tended to be caused by technical faults, such as metal fatigue in the airframe or engines.	CM