252374 I lost face. CM 1 400048 He lost face. FeuDRenais 1 20754 Wash your face. CK 1 2648926 Tom made a face. CK 1 2141866 I know your face. Dreamk33 1 2406174 I saw Tom's face. CK 1 2007864 Let's face facts. CK 1 20768 Your face is red. CK 1 2247974 I'm facing prison. CK 1 1023851 Tom's face is red. CK 1 1901851 Your face is pale. mathmad2008 1 1852277 Get out of my face. CK 1 953316 He lied to my face. CK 1 1096382 Let's face reality. CK 1 2647854 Tom wiped his face. CK 1 3170541 Tom's face got red. CK 1 2044453 Put on a happy face. CK 1 1094146 Tom faces a dilemma. CK 1 1662664 Tom is making faces. Amastan 1 1531006 Tom rubbed his face. Spamster 1 2548054 Tom washed his face. CK 1 3094221 Tom's face is dirty. CK 1 2240272 Tom's face reddened. CK 1 2547995 You lied to my face. CK 1 2270442 Don't hide your face. CK 1 1951589 I can't face Tom now. CK 1 2388186 I never saw his face. CK 1 2647014 Tom covered his face. CK 1 1841470 Tom has an ugly face. CK 1 20756 Wipe your face clean. CK 1 391891 I don't like her face. CK 1 2388095 I never forget a face. CK 1 2392547 I recognized his face. CK 1 1868038 Tom made a funny face. CK 1 1951590 I can't face Tom today. CK 1 268025 The boy had a red face. CK 1 3183732 Tom laughed in my face. CK 1 306518 They stood face to face. CK 1 3222988 Tom sat facing the door. CK 1 3226478 What dangers do we face? CK 1 239606 You should face reality. CK 1 2275925 I didn't see their faces. CK 1 2208458 I had to face this alone. CK 1 433499 Wash your face and hands. CK 1 2281759 We didn't see Tom's face. CK 1 263012 We sat down face to face. CK 1 2308274 I couldn't see Tom's face. CK 1 2033191 I don't want to lose face. CK 1 2389902 I punched Tom in the face. CK 1 2730811 I saw many familiar faces. Hybrid 1