1894531 Let's share the expenses. CK 1 1095717 Tom calculated his expenses. CK 1 2396172 I'd like to keep expenses down. CK 1 1187730 Tom tried to cut down on his expenses. CK 1 1028083 Tom sent money to Mary to help her pay for school expenses. CK 1 73491 One hundred dollars will cover all your expenses for the trip. CK 1 73500 One thousand dollars will cover all the expenses for the party. CK 1 1095593 Tom can't get along on his salary because he has high medical expenses. CK 1 1027574 I doubt that Tom had to sell his car in order to raise money for medical expenses. CK 1 2571531 I must cut down expenses. sharptoothed 60903 This adds to the expense. CM 297206 He calculated the expenses. CK 1719442 The joke was at my expense. charlotte13 65567 Let's cut down our expenses. CK 263332 I traveled at my own expense. CM 247749 We must cut down our expenses. CK 1520165 He took charge of the expenses. LittleBoy 317907 I don't care about the expense. CK 1442158 She tried to lower her expenses. CK 262389 They had great fun at my expense. CK 2497828 We're trying to cut down expenses. sharptoothed 258215 I held the party at my own expense. CM 317922 We will lump together all expenses. CM 244279 We have to be careful with expenses. CK 306849 They will cut down on their expenses. CK 2600057 We had a good laugh at Tom's expense. sharptoothed 2497898 We're trying to cut down on expenses. CK 19826 Will this cover the holiday expenses? NekoKanjya 2959261 Keep a careful record of all expenses. sharptoothed 680329 My income and expenses aren't balanced. Source_VOA 317918 The expenses average ten dollars a day. CK 18565 We must cut our expenses to save money. CK 257503 I have to reduce my expenses this month. sysko 265604 Keeping a car is a considerable expense. CM 2497796 I think that'll cover all Tom's expenses. sharptoothed 251297 My living expense is rising year by year. CK 262984 We have to cut down our monthly expenses. CK 21109 I paid the bill out of my expense account. Swift 3071620 Let's total up our expenses for the month. sharptoothed 314721 She published the book at her own expense. CM 317904 That's enough money to cover the expenses. CK 307467 They will have to cut down their expenses. CK 2796752 Tom was caught padding his expense account. sharptoothed 2264256 How much should I allow for travel expenses? sharptoothed 3022323 This just barely covers our living expenses. sharptoothed 3045757 I've spared no expense in building the house. sharptoothed 2600017 Please don't go to any expense on my account. sharptoothed 73026 Ten thousand yen will not cover the expenses. CK 2600015 Tom built the whole thing at his own expense. sharptoothed 248243 We have to defend our country at any expense. CM