39744 Exact change, please. CK 1 271595 What is the exact time? CK 1 1771705 I had the exact same feeling. Spamster 1 271598 I'd like to know the exact time. CK 1 2290334 I didn't know the exact procedure. CK 1 2539854 I was thinking the exact same thing. CK 1 271597 Can you tell me the exact time, please? CK 1 258232 I don't know the exact place I was born. CK 1 1318718 No matter how hard I try, I can't remember the exact words. CK 1 2047353 That's an exact measurement. AlanF_US 2892315 Tom has this exact same coat. CK 680863 They have the exact same face. Source_VOA 260668 I repeated his exact statement. CM 1520635 I thought the same exact thing. Guybrush88 258970 I'm not sure of the exact date. CK 3045719 Show me the exact spot you mean. sharptoothed 680864 The measurement has to be exact. Source_VOA 2181902 The exact same thing happened to me. Hybrid 3131743 The exact same thing happened to Tom. CK 56246 This is an exact copy of the original. CM 3068954 Tom did the exact same thing Mary did. CK 3122977 I need to know the exact date and time. CK 2950635 What is the exact meaning of this word? Ooneykcall 732297 Could you tell me the exact time, please? Eldad 939284 Does someone have the exact time, please? Guybrush88 43138 I know the exact time when that happened. CK 680861 The bank needs a check for the exact amount. Source_VOA 59665 I don't know the exact length of this bridge. CK 680862 Can you give an exact report of what happened? Source_VOA 264565 I do not know the exact place that I was born. CK 2169272 Can you explain the exact meaning of this word? FeuDRenais 271593 The exact temperature is 22.68 degrees Celsius. CK 44122 I can't get at the exact meaning of the sentence. CK 25966 I'd like to know the exact exchange rate for yen. NekoKanjya 1128094 He built an exact replica of Notre Dame Cathedral. CK 1472101 I do not understand the exact meaning of this sentence. kostas 264338 Tell me the exact time when the next train will arrive. CK 2674168 I repeated what he said, in the exact same way he said it. Joseph 48089 Will you please explain to me the exact meaning of the word? CK 256938 I'm a professor, or rather an associate professor, to be exact. darinmex 271599 I forgot what the exact price was, but it was about 170 dollars. CK 324475 You need to have exact change to pay the toll of the expressway. CK 1398256 Tom and Mary have about 20 children, but they're not quite sure of the exact number. Spamster