51884 The strike affected the nation's economy. CK 1 680049 The country's economy is about to collapse. Source_VOA 1 680779 Tom always flies economy class to save money. Source_VOA 1 325122 What will the Japanese economy be like next year? CK 1 237943 How is the economy? CK 2548642 The economy is bad. CK 1265409 The economy is good. Scott 237950 The economy is picking up. CK 680778 Tom wanted an economy car. Source_VOA 680780 Economy cars save you money. Source_VOA 1544435 The economy progressed slowly. Bah_Dure 680777 We stayed at an economy hotel. Source_VOA 237937 I hope the economy picks up soon. CK 680781 That country's economy is growing. Source_VOA 680782 Are you worried about fuel economy? Source_VOA 67506 The U.S. economy is in good health. CK 237996 The economy has entered a recession. CK 281522 Japan has to reconstruct its economy. CM 281378 The economy of Japan is still stable. CK 1622385 The world economy is in grave danger. Scott 1211457 What do you think of Japan's economy? alec 237994 The economy is in a slight depression. CK 281635 The Japanese economy is in depression. CK 271151 The world economy is in recession now. CK 680783 We are all part of the global economy. Source_VOA 67507 The American economy is in solid shape. CK 281632 The Japanese economy developed rapidly. CK 281633 What will happen to the Japanese economy? CK 805274 The American economy suffered a recession. Source_VOA 817008 The global economy is spiraling downwards. papabear 281379 The Japanese economy grew by 4% last year. CM 807488 Truman's first big problem was the economy. Source_VOA 304933 What they are doing is ruining the economy. CM 281465 Japan plays a key role in the world economy. CM 805272 The American economy was stronger than ever. Source_VOA 807513 The economy improved from poor to very good. Source_VOA 47908 The country's economy depends on agriculture. CK 67505 The U.S. economy is the largest in the world. CM 281376 What do you think about the Japanese economy? CK 1008921 America's economy is the largest in the world. AOCinJAPAN 2163173 The storm had a serious effect on the economy. Source_VOA 237988 A stable economy is the aim of every government. CM 807631 The depressed economy showed signs of improving. Source_VOA 271168 The world economy will not recover anytime soon. CM 241210 Hong Kong is the least regulated economy in Asia. CM 259821 I have to complete a paper on the Japanese economy. CK 239027 International trade is vital for healthy economies. CM 765315 It will also help to strengthen the city's economy. eastasiastudent 802672 They blamed him for failing to improve the economy. Source_VOA 868265 The budget is bound to fluctuate due to the economy. beaushiny