2271955 I won't dispute that. CK 1 2546565 I'm not disputing that. CK 1 326493 The dispute was finally settled. CK 1 274105 The dispute was settled peacefully. CM 680717 There was a dispute about our bill. Source_VOA 680719 They're having a dispute about money. Source_VOA 248155 We succeeded in settling the dispute. CK 680718 The actor had a dispute with his director. Source_VOA 24689 We disputed for hours about what to write. NekoKanjya 43315 That dispute has been settled once and for all. CM 241378 International disputes must be settled peacefully. CM 306334 They disputed the ownership of the land for years. CK 802693 They feared that the dispute would hurt the economy. Source_VOA 305846 They did not wish to become embroiled in the dispute. CM 277551 A neutral country was asked to help settle the dispute. CM 278035 Only after a long dispute did they come to a conclusion. CM 247531 Our top priority is to settle the dispute once and for all. CK 305630 They disputed about whose turn it was to take the trash out. CM 241424 We should not resort to arms to settle international disputes. CK 241405 A small border dispute ballooned into a major international incident. CM 259362 I am writing a thesis about international disputes after World War II. CK 2268624 The union has asked for the mediation of the government in the dispute. _undertoad 1847004 The dispute over the islands has led to some anti-Japanese protests in China. Chrikaru