3023484 Tom led the discussion. CK 1 2882459 It's not up for discussion. CK 1 1745547 I took part in the discussion. belgavox 1 307238 They entered into a discussion. CK 1 248079 We took part in the discussion. CK 1 2953967 We've had this discussion before. CK 1 2953966 We've had this discussion already. CK 1 248169 We had a heated discussion about it. CK 1 2641241 We need to have a serious discussion. CK 1 2953840 We'll continue this discussion later. CK 1 1026312 Tom didn't participate in the discussion. CK 1 2030035 I want to continue this discussion tomorrow. CK 1 1426543 We had a long discussion about what to do about it. CK 1 23298 We arrived at an agreement after two hours' discussion. CK 1 2210565 Why don't you and I continue this discussion in private? CK 1 842937 They began a discussion. J_S 1324375 This discussion is over. Scott 19982 The discussion was heated. NekoKanjya 1574919 The discussions are ongoing. erikspen 48506 The plan is under discussion. CM 1655519 They had a heated discussion. Spamster 254600 I participated in the discussion. CK 43650 The problem was under discussion. Dejo 43656 That question is under discussion. CK 56468 Let's put a stop to this discussion. CK 2255661 Let's put an end to this discussion. _undertoad 1566383 My orders are not up for discussion. emory989 280095 The discussion came to a conclusion. CK 3312135 We'll continue the discussion later. CK 50424 The matter is still under discussion. CK 1574920 The discussions are still in progress. erikspen 306421 They entered into a heated discussion. CK 275282 There was a discussion on the measures. CM 290674 He didn't participate in the discussion. CK 244997 The three-day discussion was worthwhile. CM 42207 It's not a suitable topic for discussion. CK 64188 After we had tea, we began the discussion. CM 23481 All we need now is action, not discussion. NekoKanjya 301977 He was not able to join in the discussion. CK 2948358 I didn't want to interrupt the discussion. AlanF_US 282978 Let's begin the discussion after he comes. CK 1611420 That problem naturally invited discussion. Guybrush88 280096 The discussion went on till late at night. CM 326537 There was a brief break in the discussion. CK 3199033 Let's continue this discussion after lunch. CK 1611418 That question naturally invited discussion. Guybrush88 278033 The long discussion came to an end at last. CM 3114175 I see no reason to continue this discussion. CK 306342 They decided to put an end to the discussion. mamat 870556 We had a brief discussion about human rights. alexmarcelo