243742 The birth rate has been decreasing recently. CK 1 909538 I would like to drastically decrease the amount of time it takes me to clean the house. CK 1 262629 Our sales are decreasing. CK 2267699 Sales have decreased these days. _undertoad 43545 The medicine decreased his pain. CK 320198 Production of rice has decreased. CK 2703339 The sunlight gradually decreased. WestofEden 995901 Canada's crime rate is decreasing. NickC 22555 The members decreased by 50 to 400. CK 62378 Cases of this nature are decreasing. CK 56562 This medicine will decrease your pain. CK 832938 The crime rate is decreasing in Canada. Scott 680642 What should you do to decrease your debt? Source_VOA 281451 Japan's consumption of rice is decreasing. CM 57845 The population of this city has decreased. CM 1199182 Illegal logging has decreased considerably. CM 680645 We don't want them to decrease our paycheck. Source_VOA 58002 The population of this village had decreased. CK 680644 They should decrease the sugar in these muffins. Source_VOA 21401 The number of students is decreasing year by year. NekoKanjya 680646 Mary decreased her waist size by swimming every day. Source_VOA 57842 The population of this city is decreasing every year. CK 279723 In Tokyo, wild birds are decreasing in number year by year. CM 268793 Sudden decrease in appetite is sometimes a sign of illness. CM 243776 A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing. CK 39652 As is evident from the data, smoking is not decreasing among the young. CM 281353 Japan's foreign aid is decreasing in part because of an economic slowdown at home. CK 243794 A recent survey reveals that the population density in the metropolis is decreasing. CM 2949888 Unfortunately, increasing the number of traffic signals at intersections didn't help decrease the number of traffic accidents. CK