1028547 Tom is Mary's current boyfriend. CK 1 249481 We were rowing against the current. CK 1 241775 I'm satisfied with my current income. CK 1 1024904 Tom is perfectly satisfied with his current salary. CK 1 1092852 Tom suggested that Mary should resign from her current job and find another one. CK 1 1260261 That's the current plan. Guybrush88 3118272 The current is very strong. Hybrid 680618 Do you use current technology? Source_VOA 556712 I want to quit my current job. CK 59339 This word is not in current use. CK 2258511 He was dragged along by the current. _undertoad 257282 I am content with my current position. CK 2110989 Let's try to swim against the current. Eldad 2264382 The boat is going against the current. sharptoothed 22147 Has a change in ocean currents occurred? NekoKanjya 680617 Tom found the report on a current website. Source_VOA 22635 We rowed up the river against the current. NekoKanjya 279237 An electric current can generate magnetism. CK 248977 We couldn't row against the strong current. CK 1179145 Who is the current representative from France? treskro3 745785 I got to know my current girlfriend at the gym. Minorojo 964161 Dilma Rousseff is the current President of Brazil. alexmarcelo 242608 The current political situation is not very stable. CM 954534 What does this have to do with our current problems? CK 241756 Our current house is too small, so we decided to move. Nero 277026 The governor is capable of handling his current difficulties. CM 272919 The teacher tried to interest the students in current events. CK 3001433 I'm not interested in your current boyfriend or ex-boyfriends. CK 279957 Our price is considerably higher than the current market price. CM 241785 In the current slump, economic growth has fallen to zero percent. CM 917642 A mortgage rate of six percent is becoming the current industry average. Shiawase 18981 The bridge couldn't sustain the force of the strong current and collapsed. Zifre 239611 We cannot offer a further price reduction under the current circumstances. CK 237986 It will be some time before the economy will move out of the current doldrums. CM