2252569 The crowd moaned. CK 1 2252565 The crowd cheered. CK 1 2252566 The crowd clapped. CK 1 2252567 The crowd groaned. CK 1 2252568 The crowd laughed. CK 1 1140086 It's crowded today. CK 1 2249293 It's still crowded. CK 1 50018 The bus was crowded. CK 1 2252564 The crowd applauded. CK 1 2547637 The room was crowded. CK 1 2547066 The beach was crowded. CK 1 44828 The train was crowded. CK 1 2273665 Tom says it's crowded. CK 1 1140087 It's crowded again today. CK 1 35316 The bus was very crowded. CK 1 306411 They found Tom in the crowd. CK 1 2734346 Tom disappeared in the crowd. CK 1 237748 A crowd gathered at the scene. CK 1 1494218 Tom and Mary like crowded beaches. Spamster 1 257143 I caught sight of her in the crowd. CK 1 1093233 Tom made his way through the crowd. CK 1 240427 There was a large crowd in the park. CK 1 1028331 Tom lost sight of Mary in the crowd. CK 1 1872434 Tom was stuck in a crowded elevator. CK 1 3113771 It's getting kind of crowded in here. CK 1 1898184 There is a crowd of women around Tom. CK 1 306412 They made their way through the crowd. CK 1 1094186 Tom elbowed his way through the crowd. CK 1 28786 We lost sight of the man in the crowd. CK 1 258880 I caught a glimpse of him in the crowd. CK 1 284070 The crowd yelled when he scored a goal. CK 1 44873 The shop was crowded with young people. CK 1 278350 There is a crowd of people on the street. CK 1 243504 We had to push our way through the crowd. CK 1 239333 A stranger spoke to me on the crowded bus. CK 1 326540 A crowd of people gathered around the speaker. CK 1 242257 I wish the subway wasn't so crowded every morning. CK 1 2329570 I get nervous when I speak in front of large crowds. CK 1 43438 The train was so crowded that I had to stand all the way. CK 1 1094895 Tom demonstrated the company's newest product to the crowd. CK 1 2452041 There was a larger crowd at the concert than we had anticipated. sharptoothed 1 1095821 Tom attracted a crowd of children as soon as he started playing his bongos. CK 1 256304 I was crowded out. CM 2565886 The crowd cheered. Hybrid 2679087 The crowd went wild. Hybrid 2146008 The park was crowded. Maralula 237757 The crowd calmed down. CM 270358 I met him in the crowd. CK 806835 The bus became crowded. Source_VOA 2711733 The crowd grew rapidly. sharptoothed