1637204 Africa is the poorest continent. Spamster 67748 Africa is a continent; Greenland is not. Zifre 271117 There are seven continents on the earth. CM 307221 They crossed the vast continent on foot. CK 67751 Africa was once called the Dark Continent. CK 45479 The continent is abundant in fossil fuels. CK 677721 Which continent is the most populated one? qdii 67749 Africa is a continent, but Greenland is not. CK 65147 Australia is the smallest continent in the world. CM 463228 They serve a continental breakfast in this hotel. lukaszpp 798252 Which is the most populated continent in the world? luna_moonsilver 26149 Britain is separated from the Continent by the Channel. mcq 281628 The Japan Sea separates Japan from the Asian Continent. CM 54859 Columbus sailed farther west to look for a new continent. CM 67747 It isn't surprising that Africans may think of English as one of their continent's languages. CK