English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Contact" in Example Sentences
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2111926	Contact Tom.	CK	1
2245226	Contact my son.	CK	1
2235713	I contacted Tom.	CK	1
2249773	Please contact us.	CK	1
2240313	We'll contact Tom.	CK	1
2241565	We'll contact you.	CK	1
2387256	I must contact Tom.	CK	1
2250249	I've contacted Tom.	CK	1
1029448	Tom contacted Mary.	CK	1
2241564	We'll contact them.	CK	1
2241689	We've lost contact.	CK	1
2261182	Can you contact Tom?	CK	1
1723424	Contact me tomorrow.	belgavox	1
1951429	I can't contact Tom.	CK	1
2547825	I'll keep in contact.	CK	1
3192797	How can I contact you?	CK	1
253826	I wear contact lenses.	CK	1
2646372	Tom just contacted us.	CK	1
3310246	We've been in contact.	CK	1
2270494	Don't make eye contact.	CK	1
3192796	How can we contact you?	CK	1
262223	I contacted my parents.	CK	1
1448205	Feel free to contact me.	Guybrush88	1
240128	Please contact me later.	CK	1
1093250	Tom lost a contact lens.	CK	1
2245468	Everyone's been contacted.	CK	1
2360655	I've tried to contact Tom.	CK	1
965526	Please contact me by mail.	CK	1
1553339	We contacted Tom's family.	CK	1
3200387	Who told you to contact me?	CK	1
2543682	I'll contact you when I can.	CK	1
2276645	Just don't make eye contact.	CK	1
2543064	I'll tell Tom to contact you.	CK	1
2359165	I've been in contact with Tom.	CK	1
1095673	Tom can be contacted by email.	CK	1
1095672	Tom can be contacted by phone.	CK	1
1095671	Tom can be contacted directly.	CK	1
1868036	Tom made eye contact with Mary.	CK	1
1951428	You can't contact Tom directly.	CK	1
2318224	I don't know how to contact you.	CK	1
2359291	I've been trying to contact you.	CK	1
2359295	I've been unable to contact Tom.	CK	1
1972588	It's too late to contact Tom now.	CK	1
2326529	I finally was able to contact Tom.	CK	1
288745	He will be contacting you directly.	CK	1
2540003	Tom couldn't find his contact lens.	CK	1
1963066	We tried to contact the other ship.	CK	1
2737305	What's the best way to contact you?	CK	1
2308025	I contacted Tom yesterday afternoon.	CK	1
1028947	Tom finally contacted Mary by phone.	CK	1