844710 I sell clothing online. eastasiastudent 1 57738 This shop carries men's clothing. CK 1 22874 We provided the flood victims with food and clothing. CK 1 1027340 Since it was getting even hotter, Tom peeled off another layer of clothing. CK 1 2167435 We had too much clothing. alexmarcelo 802198 They took food and clothing. Source_VOA 2323396 The vicar wore drab clothing. Gulliver 306153 They wear very little clothing. CK 268352 A coat is an article of clothing. CK 71977 He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. CM 260836 I gave them clothing and some food. CK 264376 Jiro is indifferent about clothing. CM 463096 There is nothing here but clothing. lukaszpp 1365758 Is there a clothing store near here? CK 680899 Jeans are a popular clothing export. Source_VOA 57740 This shop deals in women's clothing. CK 1542581 Mary is wearing provocative clothing. Spamster 906790 What's your favorite item of clothing? CK 807358 Lee was dressed in his finest clothing. Source_VOA 464200 This room has two closets for clothing. lukaszpp 256009 I usually buy clothing at a local store. CK 41291 You'll catch cold in such thin clothing. CM 435042 He went out carrying a bundle of clothing. lukaszpp 39764 Each person was given enough food and clothing. CM 1482408 Some politicians are wolves in sheep's clothing. Nero 293593 He made out really well in the clothing business. CM 317420 She provided the traveler with food and clothing. CK 681193 These days, most clothing is imported from China. Source_VOA 291026 He provided the boys with food, clothing and shoes. CK 245723 Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. CK 995449 Food, clothing and shelter are the foundations of survival. NickC 28145 In the matter of food and clothing, we are pretty well off. NekoKanjya 239886 I like shopping in used-book stores and in used-clothing shops. CK 245939 Children depend on their parents for food, clothing and shelter. CK 269753 Parents must provide their children with proper food and clothing. CM