English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Child" in Example Sentences
Page 17

1490737	She's putting the children to bed.	niceguydave
680476	Small children like to be carried.	Source_VOA
63463	Spare the rod and spoil the child.	CM
19055	Teachers must understand children.	Ignoto
68320	The child came near being drowned.	CK
47392	The child followed me to the park.	CK
1435855	The child has already gone to bed.	caspian
47384	The child picked up a small stone.	blay_paul
245946	The child tumbled down the stairs.	CK
47395	The child was paralyzed with fear.	CK
681963	The children rolled down the hill.	Source_VOA
1908603	The other children call him Fatty.	Spamster
1914669	The teachers greeted the children.	CK
1392378	They are fairy tales for children.	CM
1948054	They were all friends as children.	Guybrush88
56947	This book is adapted for children.	CK
60835	This TV show is aimed at children.	CK
2956168	Tom brought his children with him.	CK
2540391	Tom has a wife and three children.	CK
3181876	Tom knows how to talk to children.	CK
2540351	Tom would never hurt his children.	CK
69358	You expect too much of your child.	CK
47559	You must keep an eye on the child.	CM
27880	A growing child requires more food.	CK
3227221	Children do a lot of stupid things.	CK
2711923	Children do a lot of stupid things.	CK
245976	Children don't like to take a bath.	CM
246079	Children like playing on the beach.	CK
245778	Children love playing on the beach.	CK
502358	Children should be taught to share.	momomonkey
2824374	He abandoned his wife and children.	CK
288547	He is the father of three children.	CK
290866	He rescued the child from the fire.	CK
49685	Her heart ached for the poor child.	CK
463383	I cannot tolerate naughty children.	minshirui
308882	I didn't know that she had a child.	sysko
257978	I loved reading when I was a child.	CK
260840	I was treated like a child by them.	Dejo
245796	Let's take the children to the zoo.	CK
807222	Many children died at an early age.	Source_VOA
250966	My sister is very fond of children.	CM
314006	She sat surrounded by her children.	CK
1442213	She was a child, but she was brave.	CK
750696	She's giving each child two apples.	sctld
2267809	That child caused a lot of trouble.	_undertoad
47386	That child put his playthings away.	CM
245977	The child threw a stone at the cat.	CK
47539	The child was taken care of by him.	Dejo
2327497	The children broke the ancient urn.	Hybrid
2897172	The children didn't like the movie.	megamanenm