1555657 Children need to be disciplined. Spamster 3227207 Children often do stupid things. CK 2711936 Children often do stupid things. CK 3227208 Children say such stupid things. CK 2711937 Children say such stupid things. CK 245815 Even children can understand it. CK 318377 Has the sick child improved any? CM 304508 He was punished for child abuse. CK 1383235 He was strict with his children. quickfitter 255485 I brought up two children alone. CK 2473786 I can't afford to have children. Hybrid 1210014 I like teaching little children. CK 1340510 Let's pick a name for the child. Eldad 681272 Most children like to jump rope. Source_VOA 244157 My wife wanted to adopt a child. CK 1563279 Raising a child costs a fortune. sam_m 313969 She cannot control her children. CM 312451 She wept over her child's death. Zifre 313997 She's good at handling children. CK 267557 Small children are very curious. Swift 47467 That child has no fear of water. CK 2259229 That child has to be restrained. _undertoad 47444 That child resembles his father. CK 1424645 The child is afraid of the dark. Eldad 47483 The child was full of curiosity. CM 245634 The child was hiding in the box. CK 1691094 The children are full of energy. bserog 1726878 The children caught butterflies. belgavox 245772 The children slid down the bank. CK 682403 The children work well together. Source_VOA 2474256 The priest blessed the children. sharptoothed 246088 The thunder scared the children. CK 882756 There are children playing ball. alexmarcelo 56950 This book is meant for children. CK 2642424 Tom and Mary had only one child. CK 3174763 Tom kept an eye on the children. CK 248107 We gave blood to help the child. CK 3070259 We need to protect our children. Hybrid 248105 We saw the child get on the bus. CK 908686 Who's your favorite child actor? CK 2483396 Would you like to have children? Opiejay888 681396 Young children can be very loud. Source_VOA 47367 Both of the children won a prize. CK 680688 Children love to dig in the sand. Source_VOA 2038321 Children need affection and love. Spamster 245956 Children sometimes lack patience. CM 245802 Even a child can do such a thing. CM 245801 Even a child can understand that. CK 418392 Even children can read this book. CK 37517 Every child bowed to the teacher. CK