1528015 Tom became editor-in-chief. Spamster 1 294511 He was promoted to section chief. CK 1 1418746 Tom is having lunch with the police chief. Spamster 1 1129715 The chief's gonna kill me. alexmarcelo 1546447 The police chief resigned. Spamster 1469145 She is the editor-in-chief. Danquebec 280601 Reading is his chief amusement. CM 283724 He is the chief of my department. CK 73269 What were the chief events of 1990? CM 284330 He is acting for the chief director. CM 320204 Rice is the chief crop in this area. CK 29184 The chief crop of our country is rice. CK 314863 She applied to the chief for a vacation. CK 278583 The section chief accepted the proposal. CK 254455 I got acquainted with the chief executive. CK 23659 The section chief made me work like a slave. NekoKanjya 804232 The army chief reported that the war was lost. Source_VOA 2163154 The chief justice will swear in the president. Source_VOA 289863 He has been the chief of his tribe for 35 years. CK 276674 Nobody can put anything over on the bureau chief. CM 247555 Our chief concern should be the aging of society. CM 241247 High tariffs are the chief obstacles to free trade. CM 319637 The section chief was really livid. What did you do? CM 287339 It is his defiant attitude that made the chief angry. CM 268593 The section chief seems to like abusing his authority. Scott 287123 Sailing a boat, his chief hobby, costs him most of his salary. CM 681284 Tom G. Roberts is the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Source_VOA 65580 Our section chief always makes a face at me when I ask him for something. CK 39918 At long last, the two chiefs of the Indian tribes have decided to make peace. CK 58045 Since in this organization they're all chiefs and no Indians, it's a wonder any decisions get made. CM