English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Check" in Example Sentences
Page 9

2264759	Check this translation with the original.	_undertoad
59740	Check up on the accuracy of this article.	CM
3043602	Have you checked your email this morning?	CK
326216	I will check what time the train arrives.	CK
2986206	Tom checked the time on his pocket watch.	CK
24567	What time did she check out of the hotel?	NekoKanjya
58499	Deposit this check in my checking account.	CK
3147995	Have you checked our stock price recently?	CK
323033	I want to check out at 6 tomorrow morning.	CK
2956276	Tom checks his blood pressure once a week.	CK
22684	We should check the spread of the disease.	aka_aj
279355	Can you check if the phone is out of order?	CK
290695	He opened a checking account with the bank.	CK
2538278	I think you should double-check your facts.	CK
40247	I'd like to check out. Do you have my bill?	CK
40242	I'll be a little late tonight for check-in.	CK
2783340	The police are now checking on Tom's alibi.	CK
680861	The bank needs a check for the exact amount.	Source_VOA
36794	Under no circumstances can we accept checks.	CK
34052	You had better check them at the front desk.	CM
387410	People love to check out each other's houses.	CK
262673	We checked in at the Hilton at three o'clock.	CK
269806	Can I use my travelers' checks to pay the fee?	CK
60880	Could you give this data a final check for me?	CK
60790	Would you cash these travelers checks, please?	CK
282748	You must come every six months for a check-up.	CK
291894	He checked that all the doors were safely shut.	CK
2307985	I checked into a motel and went right to sleep.	CK
2990147	Please hold for a moment while I check on that.	CK
712852	The police are checking up on the bomb threats.	Guybrush88
267614	A check is a method of paying money to somebody.	CM
282506	Did you check all the items on the shopping list?	CK
1494991	Don't take my word for it. Check it out yourself.	Spamster
1600470	I would like to check yesterday's stock prices...	jathonjet
40248	I'd like to check out. Could you call the bellboy?	kebukebu
271498	The government has held commodity prices in check.	CM
59476	Would you please check this matter with your bank?	CM
238060	He doesn't check his figures when he's calculating.	CM
286668	I checked with him to see if his address was right.	CK
31173	It's out of stock, but I can give you a rain check.	CK
2662663	Let's check with Tom and see what his problems are.	CK
517828	He checked the calculations again just to make sure.	darinmex
2537443	I'm checking to see if there is an update right now.	CK
1520374	This sentence needs to be checked by a native speaker.	Spamster
69475	You should go to the police and check it out yourself.	CK
262207	I always travel with travelers' checks instead of cash.	CK
53050	I can't turn the shower off. Could you check it for me?	CK
33387	I had hardly checked in at the hotel when he called me.	CK
395720	I plan to check to see if what he said was true or not.	CM
36926	Is this the right window for cashing travelers' checks?	CK