English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Certainly" in Example Sentences
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1095471	Tom certainly had a point when he said we should allow more time to complete the project.	CK	1
676938	I'll certainly do this.	yessoos
2258144	Certainly, you're right.	_undertoad
40069	It's certainly a thrill.	CM
2954443	You certainly fooled me.	CK
388875	Certainly she is correct.	CK
502265	Lucy will certainly come.	mwgamera
2954444	You certainly fooled Tom.	CK
1095529	Tom certainly brags a lot.	CK
361583	Tuesday was certainly cold.	blay_paul
2667101	I will certainly need a car.	FeuDRenais
1095462	Tom certainly has a pension.	CK
354727	This is certainly surprising.	Hautis
1176997	He will certainly be punished.	bart
30524	I'll certainly go and see him.	CK
2258858	I'm certainly glad to see you.	_undertoad
1447926	Meros is certainly not a liar.	CK
1095523	Tom certainly complains a lot.	CK
42536	It's certainly a waste of time.	CK
914084	She certainly did not hate him.	Jane_Austen
1517826	Certainly, these things are true.	Spamster
398551	I'll certainly be sad if he dies.	CM
3313035	We could certainly use some help.	CK
242870	Today is certainly a pleasant day.	CK
237590	You certainly play the piano well.	CK
73584	"May I come in?" "Yes, certainly."	Eldad
328812	"Please check again." "Certainly."	fcbond
369693	The boy certainly wasn't talkative.	blay_paul
46200	The place is certainly worth seeing.	CK
63339	He will certainly attend the meeting.	CK
68218	That girl is certainly a hard worker.	CK
63370	Bob will certainly attend the meeting.	CK
2258142	Certainly not, I don't agree with you.	_undertoad
2254017	He's certainly getting along in years.	_undertoad
2951959	I certainly had no idea Tom was angry.	CK
388307	She'll almost certainly pass the test.	CK
2761568	Tom certainly cut loose at that party.	sharptoothed
2996858	You certainly have a lot of questions.	CK
940923	You must certainly be very hungry now.	sacredceltic
3030958	"That's not so!" "It certainly is so."	sharptoothed
2253897	He's certainly generous with his money.	_undertoad
1095488	Tom certainly doesn't need Mary's help.	CK
1095390	Tom certainly knows how to pick stocks.	CK
1752558	It is certainly possible if you want it.	reureya
3098992	That's certainly nothing to worry about.	CK
1095530	Tom certainly believes Mary is faithful.	CK
1422693	He'll almost certainly telephone tonight.	CK
1140101	It certainly feels like it's going to rain.	CK
3071572	That child certainly has a will of his own.	sharptoothed
1095519	Tom certainly deserves a round of applause.	CK