2045837 It was a beautiful wedding ceremony. CK 1 1029602 Tom attended Mary's graduation ceremony. CK 1 1094245 Tom doesn't want to take part in the ceremony. CK 1 274537 The graduation ceremony will take place on March 20th. CK 1 2130697 He loves ceremonies. AlanF_US 48759 The ceremony went off well. CM 802983 He attended many ceremonies. Source_VOA 2268040 The ceremony was impressive. _undertoad 290951 He was present at the ceremony. CK 254478 I could not attend the ceremony. CK 2649756 They filmed the entire ceremony. sharptoothed 264918 Are you going to attend ceremony? CK 2130694 He is a man who loves ceremonies. AlanF_US 2259283 The ceremony was very impressive. _undertoad 42679 It was a very traditional ceremony. CK 20057 The ceremony began with his speech. CK 46935 Will you take part in the ceremony? CK 48757 The ceremony will take place tomorrow. CK 2953534 We agreed it would be a small ceremony. CK 2259281 The ceremony took place in the afternoon. _undertoad 22053 The opening ceremony took place yesterday. CK 264917 The tanker was launched after the ceremony. CM 273254 Ceremonies were held to celebrate victories. CM 254447 I don't want to participate in the ceremony. CK 264921 Preparations for the ceremony are under way. CM 22051 The opening ceremony took place on schedule. CK 63623 Quite a few people were invited to the ceremony. CK 281931 The entrance ceremony will be held at 10 o'clock. CK 298316 An accident prohibited his attending the ceremony. CM 238734 The wedding ceremony was performed in the morning. CM 462612 The bride and groom kissed when the ceremony ended. lukaszpp 46933 The ceremony was held in honor of the guest from China. CK 271570 Rain or shine, the opening ceremony is to begin at nine. Dejo 22054 I plan to invite a lot of guests to the opening ceremony. CK 246753 No sooner had I entered the hall than the ceremony began. CM 33581 No sooner had we entered the hall than the ceremony began. CK 326805 The Oscar ceremonies are Hollywood's biggest extravaganza. CM 259433 I'm not interested in the tea ceremony or flower arranging. CK 23733 The bride's father showed up late for the wedding ceremony. NekoKanjya 239564 The present prime minister was not present at the ceremony. CK 262763 We were present at the dedication ceremony of the building. CK 328935 The wedding ceremony will be held regardless of the weather. fcbond 1458020 Many wedding ceremonies will take place on the seventh of July. Nero 65279 Emily is very interested in tea ceremony and flower arrangement. CK 1327465 Thousands of candles illuminated the church during the ceremony. CM 2953053 It just wouldn't be right not to go to Tom's graduation ceremony. CK 329031 I'm going to be singing a cappella at a friend's wedding ceremony. fcbond 41024 Quite a few people attended the opening ceremony of the new bridge. CK 319816 The vice-president attended the ceremony on behalf of the president. Eldad 327641 Before the match, an opening ceremony was held in the Yoyogi stadium. CM