1093662 Tom has had his leg in a cast for a few weeks now. CK 1 387471 On Christmas day, Tom's right leg was still in a cast. CK 1 1040614 Tom has a cast iron stomach. He can eat just about anything. CK 1 1096090 The doctor told Tom that he had to wear a cast for three weeks. CK 1 369696 The die is cast. zipangu 426868 The die has been cast. jerom 317531 She has her arm in a cast. Swift 813180 Don't cast pearls before swine. U2FS 301694 He cast his line into the lake. CK 280735 Do not cast pearls before swine. Zifre 309671 Her beauty cast a spell over him. CK 316359 She cast an eye in his direction. CM 291177 He cast a vote for the proposition. CM 908694 Who's your favorite CSI cast member? CK 266797 The cast was given a standing ovation. CM 2268032 The casting of the statue was delayed. _undertoad 43061 It is like casting pearls before swine. CM 43782 The tree cast a shadow across the road. Swift 1336221 The witch cast a spell on the naughty boy. Scott 19376 The fisherman cast his line into the water. NekoKanjya 432665 Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Clavain 241510 After the bone has set, the cast will be removed. CM 521018 The green lampshade casts a warm glow in the room. darinmex 2953133 It's just so frustrating to try to do this with my arm in a cast. CK 28613 The wicked witch cast a spell on the man and turned him into a bug. CK 28200 The wicked witch cast an evil spell on the man and turned him into an insect. CK